Bug #34332
closedusability issues for user without execute_jobs_on_infrastructure_hosts permissions
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2046281
Description of problem:
User without execute_jobs_on_infrastructure_hosts permission is not able to run rex jobs against Satellite and Capsule, but the UI does not sufficiently reflect this
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. have a user with job invocations perms but without execute_jobs_on_infrastructure_hosts permission (e.g. Rex Manager role)
2. On the hosts page, select just the satellite or capsule host.
3. Select Select Action > Schedule remote job
4. In the Rex job dialog, the search query is prefilled with "name ^ ()"
This allows user to trigger the job as the form validation doesn't trigger on a non-empty search field
1. having the same user, navigate to the sat or capsule host details
2. "Schedule remote job" button is active and triggers the Rex form with "name ^ ()" prefilled
Actual results:
User can run a job against no hosts
Expected results:
In case 1 the search query field should be empty, in case 2 the "Schedule remote job" button should be disabled
Additional info: