Feature #351
The puppetclass rdocs frame should contain a link to the root of the rdoc tree
Added by Paul Kelly over 14 years ago.
Updated about 14 years ago.
Puppet integration
The integration of the puppet rdocs into the foreman interface allow quick viewing of a certain class's documentation. This interface is not ideal for browsing a whole environment's classes. In this case the default multi-pane class browser is a better choice, so a link should be provided.
- Assignee changed from Ohad Levy to Paul Kelly
I assume you wanted to take care for this one?
any target version in mind?
- Target version set to 0.1-6
This is more difficult than it appears
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Branch set to feature/351-puppet-rdocs-link-to-rdocs-index
Fixed, rebased and rake test:ed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
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