



Bug #36442


External capsule is auto-synced on CV promotion regardless foreman_proxy_content_auto_sync settings

Added by Samir Jha almost 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Foreman Proxy Content
Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


Cloned from

Description of problem:
An external capsule gets automatically synced on CV promotion regardless foreman_proxy_content_auto_sync settings when this is set to false.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
6.13.0 snap 11

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have a Satellite with an external Capsule registered.
2. In Satellite settings, set foreman_proxy_content_auto_sync to false.
3. Create some new LCE above Library and assign it to the Capsule.
4. Sync some content to the Satellite.
5. Create a CV, add the synced content and publish it to Library.
6. Promote the CV to the second LCE.

Actual results:
The external capsule gets automatically synchronized after promotion.

Expected results:
It shouldn't be automatically synced when foreman_proxy_content_auto_sync is set to false.

Additional info:
[root@sat ~]# hammer settings show --name foreman_proxy_content_auto_sync
Id: foreman_proxy_content_auto_sync
Name: foreman_proxy_content_auto_sync
Description: Whether or not to auto sync the Smart Proxies after a content view promotion.
Category: Content
Settings type: boolean
Value: false

[root@sat ~]# hammer task list
5885f8a2-97d5-4ddb-884c-8bf355e478b8 | Synchronize capsule '' | stopped | success | 2023/02/27 08:17:12 | 2023/02/27 08:17:40 | 28.583772 | admin |
92622e93-00a8-4f38-94e5-edac79282618 | Sync Content View on Capsule(s) | stopped | success | 2023/02/27 08:17:12 | 2023/02/27 08:17:40 | 28.942085 | admin |
5b4a9205-77f8-4126-a839-da7612864e77 | Promote content_view {"text"=>"content view 'CV-1'", "link"=>"/content_views/... | stopped | success | 2023/02/27 08:17:07 | 2023/02/27 08:17:11 | 4.097142 | admin |
16eb1cfe-7f3a-4500-b6d7-09d3ce3cb6ab | Publish content_view {"text"=>"content view 'CV-1'", "link"=>"/content_views/... | stopped | success | 2023/02/27 08:14:23 | 2023/02/27 08:14:30 | 7.417899 | admin |
4699eb5f-fcc1-4ca9-b891-1ca93617f9fc | Update content_view {"text"=>"content view 'CV-1'", "link"=>"/content_views/2... | stopped | success | 2023/02/27 08:14:17 | 2023/02/27 08:14:18 | 0.196024 | admin |
ea5d87ea-7704-4299-bd9c-bf336ade425a | Sync Repository on Capsule(s) | stopped | success | 2023/02/27 08:11:11 | 2023/02/27 08:11:11 | 0.092794 | admin |
27e0a554-fef0-4ec7-a93d-bfdd901b9a9e | Synchronize repository {"text"=>"repository 'Red Hat Ansible Engine 2 for RHE... | stopped | success | 2023/02/27 08:10:54 | 2023/02/27 08:11:11 | 17.061929 | admin |
070e384c-353c-4890-b566-87170f698960 | Metadata generate | stopped | success | 2023/02/27 08:10:35 | 2023/02/27 08:10:39 | 3.672246 | foreman_api_admin |
51e92f78-429d-434d-b7ca-0889ac7b8f78 | Enable repository {"text"=>"repository 'Red Hat Ansible Engine 2 for RHEL 8 x... | stopped | success | 2023/02/27 08:10:33 | 2023/02/27 08:10:35 | 2.649019 | admin |

Actions #1

Updated by The Foreman Bot almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
  • Assignee set to Samir Jha
  • Pull request added
Actions #2

Updated by Ian Ballou almost 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from External capsule is auto-synced on CV promotion regardless foreman_proxy_content_auto_sync settings to External capsule is auto-synced on CV promotion regardless foreman_proxy_content_auto_sync settings
  • Target version set to Katello 4.9.0
  • Triaged changed from No to Yes
Actions #3

Updated by The Foreman Bot over 1 year ago

  • Fixed in Releases Katello 4.10.0 added
Actions #4

Updated by Samir Jha over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Actions #5

Updated by The Foreman Bot over 1 year ago

  • Pull request added

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