Feature #37165
openAuto-meeting the requirements to enable tracer
I am referencing first image "the foreman client repository is available in the host's content view environment(s)"
Suppose we saw the first point and we add the manually the repo in a environment. We publish a version but the host still use the old version of he content view.
From here we can force our host to use new version and reput it back after the installation.
Another viable solution is like when you want to apply a non-installable errata: a content view version is added (version X.1, X.2, ...) with only packages that fix the errata inside and the host is update to this content view version.
Updated by Jeremy Lenz about 1 year ago
I see what you are saying - use an incremental update to make the tracer package available to the host.
In the web UI, you can already do this for Errata, but not for packages.
In hammer, you can also do incremental updates for packages.
At some point we will be redesigning the incremental update web UI to use more modern Patternfly standards. Once that's done I think this would be a nice addition to it.
Updated by Et7f3 please_edit_me about 1 year ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
When I re read the initial PR the fours points could be done for us if using Red Hat Satellite. It can because rhel use the same name pattern for rhel 7,8,9 so it could directly enable the right repository for the rhel version selected.
I don't know if the non branded version come pre configured with katello client repos easy to enable. In that case content view incremental upgrade is still a nice amelioration.