Bug #4091
closedRHEL sytems without product ceritifcate see no Repositories
a) On a system, remove the product certificate: mv /etc/pki/product/69.pem /tmp
b) register to katello to an environment that has rhel
c) subscribe to rhel
d) run 'yum repolist'
Results: No repos listed
Expected results: RHEL repo listed
Moving 69.pem back into place magically makes the repos appear in yum repolist
Created: jlsherrill on May 10, 2013 14:48 +00:00
Imported from https://api.github.com/repos/Katello/katello/issues/2245
Comment 1
alikins_ | ah, yeah, that's product required-tag stuff kicking in
alikins_ | those repo's require something that provides 'rhel-6-server', ala the 69.pem
jsherrill | ahhh
jsherrill | so there's no way to attach it to the rhel repo unless that cert is there
alikins_ | ah, true
alikins_ | was thinking you could, since you can with our test data repo's
alikins_ | but they dont have the required tags stuff
jsherrill | ahh
alikins_ | so that does make it hard to get rhel repo's if you dont have the rhel productid installed at anaconda time
jsherrill | yeah :/
jsherrill | or if you're using an older rhel 5
alikins_ | true, and not sure if the migration tool will help if you were subscribed to rhn
alikins_ | I'm not confident the required-tags stuff is relevant anymore, that may be something we could remove for #rhsm2013
Created: jlsherrill on May 10, 2013 15:33 +00:00
Imported from https://api.github.com/repos/Katello/katello/issues/comments/17727181