Bug #4252
closedCorrectly handle when VM is migrated between datacenters
Foreman is not able to handle VM migration between datacenters:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Have 2 oVirt datacenters (A,B), add both as compute resources.
2. create VM using foreman in A
3. migrate VM in oVirt to datacenter B (use export from A, delete the original VM in A, then import to B)
Actual results:
You can still see your VM in foreman, power it off and on, see spice console etc. But when attempt to edit the host you get "not found"
VM still refers to datacenter A. compute-resource B therefore cannot be removed from foreman
Expected results:
VM should refer to correct datacenter and should be editable.
I'd be happy for any kind of workaround so i could "refresh" such hosts.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #3909: compute resources prevent or disassciate host from VM prevent vm deletion added
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
#3909 should provide the functionality you need to disassociate the VM from its old CR and reassociate with the current one.