Bug #5159
closedContent view: Descriptor used to indicate composite status should be uniform across UI
(In reply to Corey Welton from comment #0)
Description of problem:
In some places, "Yes" or "No" is used to indicate whether a content view is
composite. In other places, true/false is used. One of these should be
used uniformly across UIVersion-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
- apr-util-ldap-1.3.9-3.el6_0.1.x86_64
- candlepin-0.9.7-1.el6_5.noarch
- candlepin-scl-1-5.el6_4.noarch
- candlepin-scl-quartz-2.1.5-5.el6_4.noarch
- candlepin-scl-rhino-1.7R3-1.el6_4.noarch
- candlepin-scl-runtime-1-5.el6_4.noarch
- candlepin-selinux-0.9.7-1.el6_5.noarch
- candlepin-tomcat6-0.9.7-1.el6_5.noarch
- elasticsearch-0.90.10-4.el6sat.noarch
- foreman-
- foreman-postgresql-
- foreman-proxy-1.5.4-1.el6sat.noarch
- foreman-selinux-1.5.0-0.develop.el6sat.noarch
- katello-1.5.0-19.el6sat.noarch
- katello-apache-1.0-1.noarch
- katello-ca-1.0-1.noarch
- katello-certs-tools-1.5.5-1.el6sat.noarch
- katello-installer-0.0.31-1.el6sat.noarch
- openldap-2.4.23-32.el6_4.1.x86_64
- openldap-devel-2.4.23-32.el6_4.1.x86_64
- pulp-katello-plugins-0.2-1.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-nodes-common-2.3.1-0.4.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-nodes-parent-2.3.1-0.4.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-puppet-plugins-2.3.1-0.4.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-rpm-plugins-2.3.1-0.4.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-selinux-2.3.1-0.4.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-server-2.3.1-0.4.beta.el6sat.noarch
- python-ldap-2.3.10-1.el6.x86_64
- ruby193-rubygem-ldap_fluff-0.2.2-2.el6sat.noarch
- ruby193-rubygem-net-ldap-0.3.1-3.el6sat.noarch
- ruby193-rubygem-runcible-1.0.8-1.el6sat.noarch
- rubygem-hammer_cli-0.1.0-4.el6sat.noarch
- rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman-0.1.0-5.el6sat.noarch
- rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_tasks-0.0.2-2.el6sat.noarch
- rubygem-hammer_cli_katello-0.0.3-11.el6sat.noarch
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a variety of content views, some composite, some not.
2. Go to the main content view UI and observe the values in the
"Composite?" column
3. Click one of the views and go to the details tab.
4. Observe the value for "Composite?"Actual results:
In the main view, it reads Yes/No
In the individual composite view details, it reads true/false.Expected results:
Choose one of these and use it uniformly across UI.Additional info:
Not sure if this is anywhere else in the UI, offhand.