Bug #6734
closedsync status not properly displayed
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1085162
Description of problem:
After syncing RHEL6 RPM 6Server successfully, I added the kickstart repo. When going back to the sync status page, I noticed that RHEL shows 0 bytes and "queued", and the content dashboard showed that RHEL was not syncd.
Creating a content view and looking at the list of products shows "NA" for both sync status and last sync.
It just appears that there's some weirdness in the UI, but I'm not sure that anything really wrong is going on on the back-end.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
katello 1.5.0-19.el6sat (snap 6 compose 2)
Expected results:
On the sync status page we should show that all the packages are synced, or something.