Bug #7248
closedAny hammer command which shows progress bar in output will work only for the first time
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1132676
Description of problem:
hammer shell failed
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Version Tested:
GA Snap 6 - Satellite-6.0.4-RHEL-6-20140820.1
- apr-util-ldap-1.3.9-3.el6_0.1.x86_64
- candlepin-0.9.23-1.el6_5.noarch
- candlepin-common-1.0.1-1.el6_5.noarch
- candlepin-scl-1-5.el6_4.noarch
- candlepin-scl-quartz-2.1.5-5.el6_4.noarch
- candlepin-scl-rhino-1.7R3-1.el6_4.noarch
- candlepin-scl-runtime-1-5.el6_4.noarch
- candlepin-selinux-0.9.23-1.el6_5.noarch
- candlepin-tomcat6-0.9.23-1.el6_5.noarch
- elasticsearch-0.90.10-6.el6sat.noarch
- foreman-
- foreman-compute-
- foreman-gce-
- foreman-libvirt-
- foreman-ovirt-
- foreman-postgresql-
- foreman-proxy-
- foreman-selinux-
- foreman-vmware-
- katello-1.5.0-29.el6sat.noarch
- katello-ca-1.0-1.noarch
- katello-certs-tools-1.5.6-1.el6sat.noarch
- katello-installer-0.0.60-1.el6sat.noarch
- openldap-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.x86_64
- openldap-devel-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.x86_64
- pulp-katello-0.3-3.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-nodes-common-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-nodes-parent-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-puppet-plugins-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-puppet-tools-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-rpm-plugins-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-selinux-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
- pulp-server-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
- python-ldap-2.3.10-1.el6.x86_64
- ruby193-rubygem-net-ldap-0.3.1-3.el6sat.noarch
- ruby193-rubygem-runcible-1.1.0-2.el6sat.noarch
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a content view - add repos - publish and promote to three different environments.
2. Login to hammer shell and list the content view [PASS]
- hammer -u admin -p changeme shell
Welcome to the hammer interactive shell
Type 'help' for usage information
Command completion is disabled on ruby < 1.9 due to compatibility problems.
hammer> content-view info --id=19
ID: 19
Name: testenvbugcv
Label: testenvbugcv
Content Host Count:
Organization: rhcorp
1) ID: 143
Name: testenvbugrepo
Label: testenvbugrepo
Puppet Modules:
1) ID: 4
Name: QE
2) ID: 3
Name: DEV
3) ID: 2
Name: Library
1) ID: 17
Version: 2
Published: 2014/08/21 14:13:17
2) ID: 18
Version: 3
Published: 2014/08/21 15:54:19
3. remove from environment- DEV [PASS]
hammer> content-view remove-from-environment --id 19 --lifecycle-environment DEV --organization-id 3
[....................................................................................] [100%]
Task 7994bdb7-3781-4cfc-be95-fc454a03c9a0: success
4. remove from environment - QE [FAIL]
hammer> content-view remove-from-environment --id 19 --lifecycle-environment QE --organization-id 3
Could not remove the content view from environment:
Error: The server does not support such operation.
5. exit hammer shell [PASS]
hammer> exit
6. Try to remove enviroment - QE without using hammer shell: [PASS]
- hammer -p changeme content-view remove-from-environment --id=19 --lifecycle-environment=QE --organization-id=3
[....................................................................................] [100%]
Task 807df8a9-eb1e-44ee-a252-4519be66909f: success
Actual results:
Step 4 failed above
Expected results:
Step 4 should PASS since Step 6 PASSED
Additional info: