



Bug #7978


'vagrant up centos7-devel' fails

Added by Thomas McKay over 10 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:



Neither centos6-devel (different errors than here) nor centos7-devel work.

==> centos7-devel: Public key for rubygem-ansi-1.4.3-2.el7.noarch.rpm is not installed
==> centos7-devel: warning: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/epel/packages/rubygem-ansi-1.4.3-2.el7.noarch.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 352c64e5: NOKEY
==> centos7-devel: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
==> centos7-devel: Total                                              847 kB/s | 747 kB  00:00     
==> centos7-devel: Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7
==> centos7-devel: Importing GPG key 0x352C64E5:
==> centos7-devel:  Userid     : "Fedora EPEL (7) <>" 
==> centos7-devel:  Fingerprint: 91e9 7d7c 4a5e 96f1 7f3e 888f 6a2f aea2 352c 64e5
==> centos7-devel:  Package    : epel-release-7-2.noarch (@/epel-release-7-2.noarch)
==> centos7-devel:  From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7
==> centos7-devel: Running transaction check
==> centos7-devel: Dependency Updated:
==> centos7-devel:   policycoreutils.x86_64 0:2.2.5-11.el7_0.1                                     
==> centos7-devel: Complete!
==> centos7-devel: Launching installer with command: katello-devel-installer 
==> centos7-devel: Debug: importing '/usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.6.5/: 0 00:00:00
==> centos7-devel: Debug: importing '/vagrant/katello-installer/modul: 0 0.0/s 00:00:01
==> centos7-devel: Debug: importing '/vagrant/katello-installer/modul: 0 0.0/s 00:00:02
==> centos7-devel: Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source common    : 0 0.0/s 00:00:03
==> centos7-devel: Debug: Adding relationship from Class[Apache::Mod:: 0 0.0/s 00:00:04
==> centos7-devel: Debug: /File[/etc/puppet/environments]/seltype: Fo: 0 0.0/s 00:00:05
==> centos7-devel: Debug: /Stage[main]/Apache::Default_mods/Apache::M: 0/461, 0%, 0.0/s, elapsed: 00:00:06
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Mongodb::Client::Install/Pack: 4/461, 0%, 0.0/s, elapsed: 00:00:26, ETA: 03:54:52
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Certs::Install/Package[katell: 7/461, 1%, 0.1/s, elapsed: 00:00:31, ETA: 00:53:38
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Client/Package[po: 11/461, 2%, 0.3/s, elapsed: 00:00:34, ETA: 00:21:31
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Mongodb::Server::Install/Pack: 29/461, 6%, 1.3/s, elapsed: 00:00:37, ETA: 00:05:37
==> centos7-devel: Debug: Executing '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y list qpid-: 42/461, 9%, 1.3/s, elapsed: 00:00:38, ETA: 00:05:27
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Qpid::Install/Package[qpid-to: 42/461, 9%, 1.5/s, elapsed: 00:00:46, ETA: 00:04:35
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Elasticsearch::Install/Packag: 46/461, 9%, 1.5/s, elapsed: 00:01:40, ETA: 00:04:30
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Crane::Install/Package[python: 51/461, 11%, 1.6/s, elapsed: 00:01:46, ETA: 00:04:11
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Puppet::Server::Install/Packa: 54/461, 11%, 1.6/s, elapsed: 00:01:47, ETA: 00:04:09
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Install/Package[ca: 62/461, 13%, 1.6/s, elapsed: 00:02:20, ETA: 00:04:12
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Install/P: 65/461, 14%, 1.5/s, elapsed: 00:02:23, ETA: 00:04:17
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Install/Packag: 66/461, 14%, 0.7/s, elapsed: 00:02:26, ETA: 00:10:07
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Apache/Package[httpd]/ensure:: 77/461, 16%, 0.9/s, elapsed: 00:02:30, ETA: 00:07:17
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Passenger/Apache: 78/461, 16%, 0.9/s, elapsed: 00:02:33, ETA: 00:06:49
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Wsgi/Apache::Mod: 122/461, 26%, 0.9/s, elapsed: 00:02:34, ETA: 00:06:02
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Initdb/Ex: 166/461, 36%, 5.6/s, elapsed: 00:02:36, ETA: 00:00:52
==> centos7-devel: Debug: Executing '/sbin/chkconfig elasticsearch'  : 184/461, 39%, 6.0/s, elapsed: 00:02:42, ETA: 00:00:45
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Ssl/Apache::Mod[: 188/461, 40%, 6.0/s, elapsed: 00:02:44, ETA: 00:00:45
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Qpid::Client::Install/Package: 225/461, 48%, 6.5/s, elapsed: 00:02:52, ETA: 00:00:36
==> centos7-devel:  Could not set groups on user[vagrant]: Execution of '/sbin/usermod -G admin,qpidd vagrant' returned 6: usermod: group 'qpidd' does not exist
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Katello_devel/User[vagrant]/groups: change from admin to admin,qpidd failed: Could not set groups on user[vagrant]: Execution of '/sbin/usermod -G admin,qpidd vagrant' returned 6: usermod: group 'qpidd' does not exist
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Qpid::Install/Package[qpid-cp: 267/461, 57%, 8.7/s, elapsed: 00:02:56, ETA: 00:00:22
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config/Concat[/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf]/Exec[concat_/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf]: Failed to call refresh: /var/lib/puppet/concat/bin/ -o "/var/lib/puppet/concat/_var_lib_pgsql_data_pg_hba.conf/fragments.concat.out" -d "/var/lib/puppet/concat/_var_lib_pgsql_data_pg_hba.conf" -w '# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.' returned 1 instead of one of [0]
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config/Concat[/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf]/Exec[concat_/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf]: /var/lib/puppet/concat/bin/ -o "/var/lib/puppet/concat/_var_lib_pgsql_data_pg_hba.conf/fragments.concat.out" -d "/var/lib/puppet/concat/_var_lib_pgsql_data_pg_hba.conf" -w '# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.' returned 1 instead of one of [0]
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel: Debug: /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Service/Po: 288/461, 62%, 8.3/s, elapsed: 00:03:55, ETA: 00:00:20
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Service/Postgresql::Validate_db_connection[validate_service_is_running]/Exec[validate postgres connection for /postgres]: Failed to call refresh: echo 'Unable to connect to defined database using: /usr/bin/psql --tuples-only --quiet -p 5432 --dbname postgres ' && false returned 1 instead of one of [0]
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Service/Postgresql::Validate_db_connection[validate_service_is_running]/Exec[validate postgres connection for /postgres]: echo 'Unable to connect to defined database using: /usr/bin/psql --tuples-only --quiet -p 5432 --dbname postgres ' && false returned 1 instead of one of [0]
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Reload/Exec[postgresql_reload]: Failed to call refresh: service postgresql reload returned 1 instead of one of [0]
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Reload/Exec[postgresql_reload]: service postgresql reload returned 1 instead of one of [0]
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Database[candlepin]/Postgresql_psql[Check for existence of db 'candlepin']: Failed to call refresh: Error evaluating 'unless' clause, returned pid 11739 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Database[candlepin]/Postgresql_psql[Check for existence of db 'candlepin']: Error evaluating 'unless' clause, returned pid 11739 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Database[candlepin]/Exec[/usr/bin/createdb --port='5432' --owner='postgres' --template=template0 --encoding 'UTF8'  'candlepin']: Failed to call refresh: /usr/bin/createdb --port='5432' --owner='postgres' --template=template0 --encoding 'UTF8'  'candlepin' returned 1 instead of one of [0]
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Database[candlepin]/Exec[/usr/bin/createdb --port='5432' --owner='postgres' --template=template0 --encoding 'UTF8'  'candlepin']: /usr/bin/createdb --port='5432' --owner='postgres' --template=template0 --encoding 'UTF8'  'candlepin' returned 1 instead of one of [0]
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Database[candlepin]/Postgresql_psql[UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = false WHERE datname = 'candlepin']: Failed to call refresh: Error evaluating 'unless' clause, returned pid 11746 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Database[candlepin]/Postgresql_psql[UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = false WHERE datname = 'candlepin']: Error evaluating 'unless' clause, returned pid 11746 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Database[candlepin]/Postgresql_psql[REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE "candlepin" FROM public]: Failed to call refresh: Error executing SQL; psql returned pid 11749 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Database[candlepin]/Postgresql_psql[REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE "candlepin" FROM public]: Error executing SQL; psql returned pid 11749 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Database_grant[GRANT candlepin - ALL - candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Grant[database:GRANT candlepin - ALL - candlepin]/Postgresql_psql[GRANT ALL ON DATABASE "candlepin" TO "candlepin"]: Failed to call refresh: Error evaluating 'unless' clause, returned pid 11752 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Postgresql::Server::Db[candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Database_grant[GRANT candlepin - ALL - candlepin]/Postgresql::Server::Grant[database:GRANT candlepin - ALL - candlepin]/Postgresql_psql[GRANT ALL ON DATABASE "candlepin" TO "candlepin"]: Error evaluating 'unless' clause, returned pid 11752 exit 2: 'psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Exec[cpdb]: Failed to call refresh: liquibase --driver=org.postgresql.Driver                           --classpath=/usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc.jar:/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/candlepin/WEB-INF/classes/                           --changeLogFile=db/changelog/changelog-create.xml                           --url=jdbc:postgresql:candlepin                           --username=candlepin                            --password=AVjMeAbfUpBb4wZLzupGXpzowzofmspP                           migrate                           -Dcommunity=False                           >> /var/log/candlepin/cpdb.log                           2>&1 && touch /var/lib/candlepin/cpdb_done returned 255 instead of one of [0]
==> centos7-devel:  /Stage[main]/Candlepin::Database/Exec[cpdb]: liquibase --driver=org.postgresql.Driver                           --classpath=/usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc.jar:/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/candlepin/WEB-INF/classes/                           --changeLogFile=db/changelog/changelog-create.xml                           --url=jdbc:postgresql:candlepin                           --username=candlepin                            --password=AVjMeAbfUpBb4wZLzupGXpzowzofmspP                           migrate                           -Dcommunity=False                           >> /var/log/candlepin/cpdb.log                           2>&1 && touch /var/lib/candlepin/cpdb_done returned 255 instead of one of [0]
==> centos7-devel: 
==> centos7-devel: Notice: /Stage[main]/Puppet::Server::Config/Exec[p: 314/461, 68%, 9.6/s, elapsed: 00:03:59, ETA: 00:00:15
==> centos7-devel: Done                                              : 461/461, 100%, 9.6/s, elapsed: 00:04:01
==> centos7-devel: Done                                              : 461/461, 100%, 9.6/s, elapsed: 00:04:01
==> centos7-devel:   Something went wrong! Check the log for ERROR-level output
==> centos7-devel:   The full log is at /var/log/katello-installer/katello-devel-installer.log
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.

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