Feature #9780
Start checkbox (power on this machine) in compute profiles
Added by Alexandre Barth almost 10 years ago.
Updated over 9 years ago.
Could you please add the Start checkbox (power on this machine) available when manually provisioning the vm tab in the compute profiles
This would be a really useful feature, but also along with some permissions.
When a Puppet user is creating a new host, I wanted this checkbox's default to be disabled (and grayed-out).
This is so that checkbox can later be enabled by a Foreman-Administrator after they are happy with it.
We've had occasions where Puppet-user built machine with ludicrously high specs, e.g. 16 core cpus, when in fact they only needed 2 cores.
Therefore the ability to change this checkbox's default setting along with some permissions so that only foreman admins can check/uncheck this option would be a big help for me.
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