Refactor #21359
Updated by Tomáš Strachota almost 7 years ago
Hammer no longer supports ruby 2.0, there's no point of keeping the historical code.
From my search there's following places containing some compatibility code that should be removed:
2 class String
4: # string formatting for ruby 1.8
5 def format(params)
6 if params.is_a? Hash
1 require 'csv'
2 if CSV.const_defined? :Reader
3: # Ruby 1.8 compatible
4 require 'fastercsv'
5 Object.send(:remove_const, :CSV)
6 CSV = FasterCSV
7 else
8: # CSV is now FasterCSV in ruby 1.9
9 end
5 before :each do
6: # Readline::HISOTRY does not implement #clear in Ruby 1.8
7 while not Readline::HISTORY.empty?
8 Readline::HISTORY.pop
41 let(:unavailable_domain) {'domain3', false) }
43: # skip the tests on older versions of fast_gettext (ruby 2.0)
44 if FastGettext::VERSION >= '1.2.0'
45 describe "with fast_gettext >= 1.2.0" do
5 gem 'gettext', '>= 3.1.3', '< 4.0.0'
6: if RUBY_VERSION < '2.1.0'
7 gem 'clamp', '< 1.1.0'
8 gem 'fast_gettext', '< 1.2.0'