


Feature #1583

Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago

I have a use case where we want to give readonly access to set of users, but limit it to hosts that are in a specific domain. Currently, I can edit the individual users to set this permission (using the user level filters), but there is no way to do it for a set of users without actually editing each user. 


 I feel that anything that can be set permissions-wise for an individual user, should also be able to be done at the usergroup level. It looks like the main three things that we are missing are: 
 1) administrator permission 
 2) assigning roles 
 3) setting filters 


 It looks like there was a ticket already opened on this topic but it was resolved. 


 One thing that will need to be resolved, is what to do if there are permissions set at both the usergroup level and the user level. (Thing just a union of the permissions is the way to go.)
