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Lukas Zapletal, 04/23/2013 06:53 AM

Foreman error codes:

ERF51-5146 %25s console is not supported at this time
ERF51-0154 Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %25s cannot be built from an image
ERF51-3629 Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature
ERF51-9902 DHCP not supported for this NIC
ERF51-9911 Host is pending for Build
ERF51-7343 Invalid Facts, much be a Puppet::Node::Facts or a Hash
ERF51-8125 Invalid Host
ERF51-2399 Invalid report
ERF51-1936 Invalid type requested for host creation via facts: %25s
ERF51-8380 Must provide an operating systems
ERF51-6801 Must provide template kind
ERF51-1311 Must specify a Smart Proxy to use
ERF51-5371 Provision script had a non zero exit, removing instance
ERF51-7611 Unable to create the anonymous role.
ERF51-1736 Unable to create the default user role.
ERF51-1994 Unable to find proper authentication method
ERF51-5351 invalid architecture for %25s
ERF51-5635 invalid facts hash
ERF51-1231 invalid host list
ERF51-6051 invalid medium for %25s
ERF51-8175 invalid method %25s
ERF51-4505 invalid path
ERF51-1330 must provide a provider
ERF51-8428 unable to find any hosts that match your request
ERF51-5670 unable to find recipients
ERF51-8590 unable to sign a non pending certificate

Generated with `rake exception:codes`, for more info and options see

Updated by Lukas Zapletal almost 12 years ago · 23 revisions