


ErrorCodes » History » Version 23

Lukas Zapletal, 12/17/2020 09:05 AM

1 3 Dominic Cleal
h1. Foreman error codes
2 1 Lukas Zapletal
3 5 Lukas Zapletal
Most error messages in Foreman include error code. Find additional information by clicking on individual codes on this page.
4 1 Lukas Zapletal
5 10 Dominic Cleal
If you have an ERF12-* error, do check [[Proxy_communication_errors]] first for SSL or communication errors, which aren't specific to particular proxy actions.
7 5 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-0104]] - Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s
 * [[ERF12-0635]] - Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s
9 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-1261]] - Unable to delete DNS entry
10 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-1764]] - Unable to detect version
11 5 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-1772]] - Unable to perform power BMC operation
 * [[ERF12-2269]] - Unable to perform lan BMC operation
 * [[ERF12-2357]] - Unable to set DNS entry
 * [[ERF12-2530]] - Unable to detect features
 * [[ERF12-2573]] - Unable to fetch TFTP boot file
 * [[ERF12-2600]] - Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets
 * [[ERF12-2749]] - Unable to get environments from Puppet
18 20 Daniel Lobato Garcia
 * [[ERF12-3113]] - Unable to detect puppet path for %s
19 5 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-3517]] - Unable to get PuppetCA autosign
 * [[ERF12-3828]] - Unable to get environment from Puppet
 * [[ERF12-4115]] - Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s
 * [[ERF12-4252]] - Unable to execute Puppet run
 * [[ERF12-4395]] - Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s
24 14 Stephen Benjamin
 * [[ERF12-4681]] - Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s
25 5 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-5139]] - Unable to detect TFTP boot server
26 8 Dominic Cleal
 * [[ERF12-5287]] - Unable to create realm entry
27 5 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-5356]] - Unable to get PuppetCA certificates
 * [[ERF12-5472]] - Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s
 * [[ERF12-5866]] - Unable to perform identify BMC operation
30 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-6899]] - Unable to set DHCP entry
31 5 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-7299]] - Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s
32 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-7740]] - Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s
33 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-7885]] - Unable to fetch logs
34 5 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-7947]] - Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet
 * [[ERF12-8202]] - Unable to retrieve unused IP
 * [[ERF12-8670]] - Unable to perform boot BMC operation
 * [[ERF12-8801]] - Unable to get installed BMC providers
 * [[ERF12-9243]] - Unable to create default TFTP boot menu
39 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-9483]] - Unable to get BMC providers
40 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF12-9815]] - Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s
 * [[ERF42-0154]] - Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image
42 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-0410]] - unknown provider
43 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-0453]] - Provision script had a non zero exit
44 19 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-0624]] - unknown network_type
45 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-0955]] - parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined
46 11 Dominic Cleal
 * [[ERF42-1026]] - Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s
47 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-1231]] - invalid host list
 * [[ERF42-1251]] - Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}
49 6 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-1330]] - must provide a provider
50 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-1419]] - Unknown IPAM type - can't continue
 * [[ERF42-1518]] - Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature
52 18 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-1522]] - Not implemented
53 6 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-1817]] - invalid type %s
54 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-1994]] - Unable to find proper authentication method
55 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-2263]] - Unsupported IPAM mode for %s
56 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-2343]] - Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s
57 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-2450]] - Unsupported report status format
58 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-2472]] - Unable to create the default role.
59 19 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-2586]] - Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'
 * [[ERF42-2587]] - Must provide an operating system
61 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-2979]] - Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location
62 19 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-3078]] - %{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'
63 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-3305]] - Unable to find template %s
64 19 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-3348]] - Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial
65 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-3367]] - Must specify a user with email enabled
66 18 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-3624]] - A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s
67 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-3629]] - Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature
68 19 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-3779]] - Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'
69 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-4505]] - invalid path
 * [[ERF42-4516]] - Unknown action name for success message: %s
71 19 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-4598]] - Hint data is missing
 * [[ERF42-4689]] - Template '%s' was not found
73 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-4738]] - %s is an unknown attribute
 * [[ERF42-4995]] - Invalid authenticity token
75 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-5146]] - %s console is not supported at this time
76 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-5227]] - unknown parent permission for %s
77 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-5349]] - Realm proxy did not return a one-time password
78 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-5351]] - invalid architecture for %s
79 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-5434]] - unknown permission %s
80 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-5531]] - unknown permission for %s
 * [[ERF42-5628]] - Unsupported password hash function '%s'
 * [[ERF42-5644]] - Function not available for %s
83 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-5949]] - At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.
 * [[ERF42-6051]] - invalid medium for %s
85 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-6086]] - Cluster ID is required to list available networks
 * [[ERF42-6165]] - :foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)
87 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-6282]] - Invalid log level: %s
 * [[ERF42-6302]] - No free ports available for websockify, try again later
89 19 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-6324]] - Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource
 * [[ERF42-6332]] - Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint
91 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-6784]] - There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'
 * [[ERF42-6794]] - Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed
 * [[ERF42-6801]] - Must provide template kind
94 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-7277]] - Invalid architecture for %s
95 18 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-7329]] - Not implemented for %s
96 6 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-7495]] - Cannot find user %s when switching context
97 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-7633]] - No templates found
 * [[ERF42-7634]] - Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s
 * [[ERF42-7938]] - Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.
 * [[ERF42-7951]] - Must specify a valid user with email enabled
101 18 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-8079]] - VM is not running!
102 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-8125]] - Invalid Host
103 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-8175]] - invalid method %s
104 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-8219]] - Invalid medium for %s
 * [[ERF42-8459]] - Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}
106 19 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-8477]] - %s is not a valid DNS record type
107 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-8590]] - unable to sign a non pending certificate
108 1 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-8800]] - Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied
109 6 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-9767]] - Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).
110 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-9902]] - DHCP not supported for this NIC
111 6 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-9958]] - Unknown power management support - can't continue
112 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-9972]] - Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account
113 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF50-1006]] - Unable to connect to LDAP server
114 19 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF50-2486]] - Import of facts failed for host %s
115 16 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF50-2487]] - Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s
116 13 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF50-5345]] - Unable to connect
117 17 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF50-9294]] - Unable to find IP address for '%s'
118 21 Daniel Lobato Garcia
 * [[ERF56-1309]] - [Foreman::FingerprintException]: The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit. 
119 22 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF42-9666]] - HTTP boot requires proxy with httpboot feature and http_port exposed setting
120 23 Lukas Zapletal
 * [[ERF88-9474]] - There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Associate a BMC feature with a subnet.
121 1 Lukas Zapletal
122 18 Lukas Zapletal
Please *do not edit* this page directly, to generate items install all plugins:
123 1 Lukas Zapletal
124 18 Lukas Zapletal
    yum -y install tfm-rubygem-foreman\* ftm-rubygem-katello\*
Generate the list:
128 1 Lukas Zapletal
    foreman-rake exception:codes
129 18 Lukas Zapletal
And merge it with the list above:
    sort -u
Copy and paste the current list, then the new list and hit Ctrl+D to generate the result.