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Lukas Zapletal, 04/21/2015 12:23 PM
Added 10 discovery screenshots
I would like a boot disk option that provides the following:
- A single ISO that allows me to provision a system against any configured hostgroup on the Satellite.
- The ISO would not require me to pre-create a host in Satellite.
- The ISO would allow me to provide a user provided IP address or use DHCP to find the Satellite server.
- The ISO will be generated on the Satellite
- The ISO will provide a means to provision via a Capsule
- The functionality to generate the ISO will be exposed via the API, UI & CLI.
- Functionality to provide a local IP and VLAN to the target host
In the bootdisk approach, the Generic bootdisk provides a menu like below.
When the user first boots, they have the option for configuring DHCP or manually entering network configuration.
Manual network configuration:
After configuring network, you can select from the main menu:
- Existing host record (traditional generic bootdisk)
- New host from host group
- The provisioning URL can be customized, for example, if DNS is not available and you need to use an IP
If creating a new host, iPXE chain loads the host group menu off of the Foreman server.
They are prompted for a host name:
And then hostgroup, and (if enabled) organization, and location:
Finally the user confirms the selections and:
- iPXE sends the options to Foreman
- Foreman creates the new Host, and runs orchestration
- Server boots vmlinuz/initrd
- Loads kickstart
- Provisions as normal
This is ridiculously insecure, because we're running orchestration with access to services like DNS, Realm, Puppet, etc
- Have bootdisk ask for login
- Only supports HTTP (plaintext)
- Foreman if SSL is enabled does not allow HTTP login
- Discovery, in its full RHEL environment, could do this
- Tokens
- Have a bootdisk wizard that lets a user generate a bootdisk image with embedded tokens, that give access only to specific host groups/orgs/locations
Updated by Lukas Zapletal almost 10 years ago · 10 revisions