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Chris Duryee, 02/10/2016 10:08 AM

System Test Failures

This page is used to track failures of Katello's BATS tests, to identify trends and areas of improvement.

Sprint 41

Start Date Resolved on Description Redmine Issue
2014-12-11 2014-12-12 hammer_cli_foreman update broke CV creation #8677
2014-12-12 2014-12-12 EL7 only - Lack of maruku in katello el7 repo / removal of maruku from foreman repos #8681
2014-12-17 2014-12-17 New installer split out, missed a koji add-pkg Unneeded
2014-12-18 2014-12-18 Incorrect module path in spec file #8749
2014-12-18 2014-12-19 bootdisk dep added to hammer_cli_katello gem but not RPM #8765
2014-12-22 2014-12-22 Upgrade of pulp missed new dependency version requirement python-amqp Unneeded
2015-01-09 2015-01-13 Apipie param change caused hammer command to stop expanding commands 8913

Sprint 43

2015-01-14 Unknown change broke hammer content-view puppet-module add 9008
2015-02-04 Auto-attach on activation key broke custom products expectation during registration
2015-02-04 Katello Commit with scoped search broke bats, no test coverage present, but now added
2015-02-04 foreman_discovery locking to 1.7 broke nightlies that use develop
2015-02-04 Puppet 3.7.4 broke puppet-service_wait that wasn't using systemd provider on EL7
2015-02-04 Update to puppet-certs to add foreman_proxy client certs broke install on el6
2015-02-04 Foreman CSS cleanup removed mixin Katello was relying on (broke RPM builds)
2015-02-08 2015-02-16 Incomatibility with sprockets gem update and angular-tempaltes-rails #9288

Sprint 44

2015-02-24 2015-02-24 Random test failure caused by non-deterministic array order #9525

Sprint 45

2015-03-04 2015-03-06 Failures due to output of hammer results changing #9667

I don't see a nightly in the nightly location. Now what?

There are some places you can look for more info.

  • If you suspect a bats failure, you can spin up a 'centos7-bats' vagrant machine to test things out. Once it's up, run "USE_KOJI_REPOS=true katello-bats nightly content" as root and attempt to repro the issue.

Updated by Chris Duryee about 9 years ago · 22 revisions