

Marc Schmitzer

  • Login: MarcSchmitzer
  • Registered on: 06/24/2020
  • Last sign in: 02/27/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 0 2



08:16 AM Foreman Bug #38248 (New): Duplicate facts from provisioning and Puppet
We use Foreman (currently 3.11.2) with the "foreman_puppet" plugin (7.0.0). After the first regular puppet run on a n... Marc Schmitzer


11:13 AM Foreman Bug #30209: Default patterns for "excluded_facts" setting are overly broad
I just tested your suggested change to "eno*v*" and it has the desired effect: The missing facts appear in Foreman as... Marc Schmitzer
10:59 AM Foreman Bug #30209: Default patterns for "excluded_facts" setting are overly broad
Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> Hey, what fact is this filtering out?
The one I noticed is a custom fact called "<somethi...
Marc Schmitzer


03:43 PM Foreman Bug #30209 (New): Default patterns for "excluded_facts" setting are overly broad
The default "excluded_facts" pattern list includes "en*v*" which excludes all fact names containing "env" if it is pr... Marc Schmitzer

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