Feature #12337
openMake it possible to persist facts/reports when host is being rebuilt
A software generates an kind of UUID when being installed. This UUID is used to connect to a third system which keeps track of the systems reporting in by the UUID and not by a hostname/DNS-name. The UUID can be gathered via a custom fact via puppet and also can be written by a given puppet module if the fact is available.
Upon rebuilding a host, all reports and facts are being cleared, thus making it impossible to access a fact in order to rebuild the UUID in the conffile.
Generally I'd like to be asked whether all facts/reports should be deleted when re-building a host. Ideally I can select if only reports and/or reports should be deleted.
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #12244: Do not delete facts during provisioning added
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 9 years ago
- Bugzilla link set to 1277926
So is a checkbox for both in the Build confirmation dialog enough?
Updated by Andreas Pfaffeneder over 9 years ago
For a user yes. Please also make this available for the API which is my use case.