Bug #12622
closedundefined method `candlepin_consumer_info' for #<Katello::System:0x0000000d5461e0>
In certain cases rake tasks # foreman-rake katello:reindex throws exception
Re-indexing Katello::System
The following Katello::System items could not be indexed due to various reasons.
Please check /usr/share/foreman/log/reindex.log for more detailed information.
Object: #<Katello::System id: 21, uuid: nil, name: "", description: "Initial Registration Params", location: "None", environment_id: 11, created_at: "2015-07-06 14:31:41", updated_at: "2015-07-06 14:31:41", type: "Katello::System", content_view_id: 12, host_id: nil>
rake aborted!
undefined method `candlepin_consumer_info' for #<Katello::System:0x0000000d4361d0>