Bug #14686
closedhammer hostgroup update or create command fails when using --organization-ids option fails
Bugzilla link:
Cloned from
Description of problem:
hammer hostgroup update or create command fails when using --organization-ids option fails with below error
- hammer hostgroup update --id 1 --lifecycle-environment "Library" --content-view "R7CV" --organization-ids 1
Could not update the hostgroup:
Error: Could not find organization, please set one of options --organizations, --organization-ids.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Satellite 6.1.7 and below
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Execute the command either to create or update the hostgroup
- hammer hostgroup update --id 1 --lifecycle-environment "Library" --content-view "MyCV" --organization-ids 1
Could not update the hostgroup:
Error: Could not find organization, please set one of options --organizations, --organization-ids.
Actual results:
Its failing to parse the --organizations-ids flag, however when using --organization "ORG_NAME" it succeeds.
Expected results:
Should work with --organizations-id option as well.
Additional info:
- hammer hostgroup update --id 1 --lifecycle-environment "Library" --content-view "MyCV" --organizations ACME
Hostgroup updated
The above command works with --organizations flag not with --organizations-id option.