Bug #14740
closedHammer-cli repository upload content fail
Added by Mario Gamboa almost 9 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.
hammer> repository upload-content --id 5 --organization-id 1 --path /root/rabbitmq-server-3.3.0-1.noarch.rpm
[Foreman] Password for admin:
Failed to upload file 'rabbitmq-server-3.3.0-1.noarch.rpm' to repository. Please check the file and try again.
on the server the file is upload but appear as number no as rpm, this repo before was sync with the epel repo i just try to add one up to date version needed for my environment but is fail via hammer via the gui
rwxrwxrwx. 1 apache apache 136 Apr 21 16:23 rabbitmq-server-3.1.5-1.el6.noarch.rpm -> /var/lib/pulp/content/units/rpm/58/cd677dcefa5b96434befbdff1d38ffc11c3173bcb1ceed7cecb00485765a8f/rabbitmq-server-3.1.5-1.el6.noarch.rpm
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 apache apache 134 Apr 21 16:23 rabbitmq-server-3.3.0-1.noarch.rpm -> /var/lib/pulp/content/units/rpm/2b/2e0878d2332f32fbd56b905bcbf80749c8b39c6f5ac73a30d951b0ede4d11e/0540f16a-583f-4cce-9824-30482a8707fa
foreman-debug-dLMsL.tar.xz | foreman-debug-dLMsL.tar.xz | 652 KB | Mario Gamboa, 04/21/2016 02:38 AM | ||
task.png | View task.png | 45.3 KB | Mario Gamboa, 04/22/2016 08:50 AM |
Updated by Mario Gamboa almost 9 years ago
just miss that the metadata is created but is fail to try install not found the package
Updated by Mario Gamboa almost 9 years ago
also just to make sure i check the sum and are ok
[root@nz2zmsosat01 2e0878d2332f32fbd56b905bcbf80749c8b39c6f5ac73a30d951b0ede4d11e]# md5sum 0540f16a-583f-4cce-9824-30482a8707fa
049a8f35dad7b4883fa88a1008a59e6a 0540f16a-583f-4cce-9824-30482a8707fa
[root@nz2zmsosat01 2e0878d2332f32fbd56b905bcbf80749c8b39c6f5ac73a30d951b0ede4d11e]# md5sum /root/rabbitmq-server-3.3.0-1.noarch.rpm
049a8f35dad7b4883fa88a1008a59e6a /root/rabbitmq-server-3.3.0-1.noarch.rpm
[root@nz2zmsosat01 2e0878d2332f32fbd56b905bcbf80749c8b39c6f5ac73a30d951b0ede4d11e]#
this mean something break the process to rename the number into rpm package.
attached foreman-debug
Updated by Mario Gamboa almost 9 years ago
Debug show the fiel is upload ok but in the repos is nothing no file at all
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[DEBUG 2016-04-22 22:41:07 API] Response headers: {
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[ INFO 2016-04-22 22:41:07 API] Server: https://localhost/
[ INFO 2016-04-22 22:41:07 API] PUT /katello/api/repositories/5/import_uploads
[DEBUG 2016-04-22 22:41:07 API] Params: {
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[0] "f5fd86a9-22a0-4214-8276-1da84bb0ae58"
[DEBUG 2016-04-22 22:41:07 API] Headers: {}
[DEBUG 2016-04-22 22:42:37 API] 400 Bad Request
"displayMessage" => "Required lock is already taken by other running tasks.\nPlease inspect their state, fix their errors and resume them.\n\nRequired lock: read\nConflicts with tasks:\n- https://nz2zmsosat01.pp.vficonnect.net.nz/foreman_tasks/tasks/5f632d74-78f5-4586-8475-368db0076a8f",
"errors" => [
[0] "Required lock is already taken by other running tasks.\nPlease inspect their state, fix their errors and resume them.\n\nRequired lock: read\nConflicts with tasks:\n- https://nz2zmsosat01.pp.vficonnect.net.nz/foreman_tasks/tasks/5f632d74-78f5-4586-8475-368db0076a8f"
Failed to upload file 'rabbitmq-server-3.3.0-1.noarch.rpm' to repository. Please check the file and try again.
[ INFO 2016-04-22 22:42:37 API] Server: https://localhost/
[ INFO 2016-04-22 22:42:37 API] DELETE /katello/api/repositories/5/content_uploads/f5fd86a9-22a0-4214-8276-1da84bb0ae58
[DEBUG 2016-04-22 22:42:37 API] Params: {}
[DEBUG 2016-04-22 22:42:37 API] Headers: {
:params => {}
[DEBUG 2016-04-22 22:42:37 API] Response: #<String:0x028ca9b8
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Updated by Mario Gamboa almost 9 years ago
Apparently said
[DEBUG 2016-04-22 22:42:37 API] 400 Bad Request {
"displayMessage" => "Required lock is already taken by other running tasks.\nPlease inspect their state, fix their errors and resume them.\n\nRequired lock: read\nConflicts with tasks:\n- https://nz2zmsosat01.pp.vficonnect.net.nz/foreman_tasks/tasks/5f632d74-78f5-4586-8475-368db0076a8f",
"errors" => [
[0] "Required lock is already taken by other running tasks.\nPlease inspect their state, fix their errors and resume them.\n\nRequired lock: read\nConflicts with tasks:\n- https://nz2zmsosat01.pp.vficonnect.net.nz/foreman_tasks/tasks/5f632d74-78f5-4586-8475-368db0076a8f"
Failed to upload file 'rabbitmq-server-3.3.0-1.noarch.rpm' to repository. Please check the file and try again.
but as you can see the task is finish successful no errors at all
Updated by Eric Helms almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need more information
Have you re-tested this at all? Are you still seeing it?
Updated by Eric Helms over 8 years ago
- Translation missing: en.field_release changed from 86 to 144
Updated by Eric Helms over 8 years ago
- Translation missing: en.field_release deleted (
Updated by Justin Sherrill over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Need more information to Rejected
- Translation missing: en.field_release set to 166
We can't reproduce this, please reopen if you are able to.