Bug #15499
closed6.2 Beta2 - Sync Status page not drawn properly if sync in progress
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1347095
Possibly related to BZ 1315610
Navigating to the Sync Status page after a sync has been started results in a page that is not working properly:
- Unable to click any of the links (Expand All, Collapse All, Select None, Select All)
- Checking the 'Active only' box only ticks the box, no change to the page is performed
- All expand/collapse icons on the left side of the page for each section are missing
- Progress bar for in-progress syncs is missing
- Dynamic update of progress status isn't happening
Refreshing the page does not fix the issue, but results in the errors seen in BZ 1315610.
Refreshing the page after all sync tasks have completed results in the sync status page being drawn properly and functions as expected - until a sync is triggered, and then it breaks the page.
Was working in 6.2.0 Beta1, broken in Beta2.