Bug #15619
closed"no documentation found for manifest" when using parser=future
I tried to update some settings managed by Foreman/Katello to make sure an upgrade would not override my handmade modifications to configuration files. Unfortunately I noticed `foreman-installer` seems to be broken on my system (fully updated CentOS 7.2 running Katello 3.0):
# foreman-installer --help /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo_parsers-0.0.6/lib/kafo_parsers/puppet_module_parser.rb:84:in `docs': no documentation found for manifest /usr/share/katello-installer-base/modules/capsule/manifests/init.pp, parsing error? (KafoParsers::DocParseError) from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo_parsers-0.0.6/lib/kafo_parsers/puppet_module_parser.rb:19:in `parse' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/puppet_module.rb:54:in `parse' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/configuration.rb:88:in `block in modules' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/configuration.rb:88:in `map' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/configuration.rb:88:in `modules' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/configuration.rb:184:in `params' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/configuration.rb:193:in `preset_defaults_from_puppet' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/kafo_configure.rb:253:in `set_parameters' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/kafo_configure.rb:96:in `initialize' from /usr/share/gems/gems/clamp-1.0.0/lib/clamp/command.rb:133:in `new' from /usr/share/gems/gems/clamp-1.0.0/lib/clamp/command.rb:133:in `run' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/kafo_configure.rb:150:in `run' from /usr/sbin/foreman-installer:12:in `<main>'
The file `/usr/share/katello-installer-base/modules/capsule/manifests/init.pp` is provided by katello-installer:
# rpm -qf /usr/share/katello-installer-base/modules/capsule/manifests/init.pp katello-installer-base-3.0.2-1.el7.noarch
Might be of value to attach the file content on my system, so here it is:
]# cat /usr/share/katello-installer-base/modules/capsule/manifests/init.pp # Configure the node # # === Parameters: # # $parent_fqdn:: fqdn of the parent node. REQUIRED # # $certs_tar:: path to a tar with certs for the node # # $pulp_master:: whether the capsule should be identified as a pulp master server # # $pulp_admin_password:: password for the Pulp admin user. It should be left blank so that a random password is generated # # $pulp_oauth_effective_user:: User to be used for Pulp REST interaction # # $pulp_oauth_key:: OAuth key to be used for Pulp REST interaction # # $pulp_oauth_secret:: OAuth secret to be used for Pulp REST interaction # # $puppet:: Use puppet # type:boolean # # $puppet_ca_proxy:: The actual server that handles puppet CA. # Setting this to anything non-empty causes # the apache vhost to set up a proxy for all # certificates pointing to the value. # # $reverse_proxy:: Add reverse proxy to the parent # type:boolean # # $reverse_proxy_port:: reverse proxy listening port # # $rhsm_url:: The URL that the RHSM API is rooted at # # $qpid_router:: Configure qpid dispatch router # type:boolean # # $qpid_router_hub_addr:: Address for dispatch router hub # # $qpid_router_hub_port:: Port for dispatch router hub # # $qpid_router_agent_addr:: Listener address for goferd agents # # $qpid_router_agent_port:: Listener port for goferd agents # # $qpid_router_broker_addr:: Address of qpidd broker to connect to # # $qpid_router_broker_port:: Port of qpidd broker to connect to # # $enable_ostree:: Boolean to enable ostree plugin. This requires existence of an ostree install. # type:boolean # class capsule ( $parent_fqdn = $capsule::params::parent_fqdn, $certs_tar = $capsule::params::certs_tar, $pulp_master = $capsule::params::pulp_master, $pulp_admin_password = $capsule::params::pulp_admin_password, $pulp_oauth_effective_user = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_effective_user, $pulp_oauth_key = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_key, $pulp_oauth_secret = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_secret, $puppet = $capsule::params::puppet, $puppet_ca_proxy = $capsule::params::puppet_ca_proxy, $reverse_proxy = $capsule::params::reverse_proxy, $reverse_proxy_port = $capsule::params::reverse_proxy_port, $rhsm_url = $capsule::params::rhsm_url, $qpid_router = $capsule::params::qpid_router, $qpid_router_hub_addr = $capsule::params::qpid_router_hub_addr, $qpid_router_hub_port = $capsule::params::qpid_router_hub_port, $qpid_router_agent_addr = $capsule::params::qpid_router_agent_addr, $qpid_router_agent_port = $capsule::params::qpid_router_agent_port, $qpid_router_broker_addr = $capsule::params::qpid_router_broker_addr, $qpid_router_broker_port = $capsule::params::qpid_router_broker_port, $enable_ostree = $capsule::params::enable_ostree, ) inherits capsule::params { validate_bool($enable_ostree) include ::certs include ::foreman_proxy include ::foreman_proxy::plugin::pulp validate_present($capsule::parent_fqdn) $pulp = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::pulp::pulpnode_enabled if $pulp { validate_present($pulp_oauth_secret) } $capsule_fqdn = $::fqdn $foreman_url = "https://${parent_fqdn}" $reverse_proxy_real = $pulp or $reverse_proxy $rhsm_port = $reverse_proxy_real ? { true => $reverse_proxy_port, false => '443' } package{ ['katello-debug', 'katello-client-bootstrap']: ensure => installed, } class { '::certs::foreman_proxy': hostname => $capsule_fqdn, require => Package['foreman-proxy'], before => Service['foreman-proxy'], } ~> class { '::certs::katello': deployment_url => $capsule::rhsm_url, rhsm_port => $capsule::rhsm_port, } if $pulp or $reverse_proxy_real { class { '::certs::apache': hostname => $capsule_fqdn, } ~> Class['certs::foreman_proxy'] ~> class { '::capsule::reverse_proxy': path => '/', url => "${foreman_url}/", port => $capsule::reverse_proxy_port, } } if $pulp_master or $pulp { if $qpid_router { class { '::capsule::dispatch_router': require => Class['pulp'], } } class { '::crane': cert => $certs::apache::apache_cert, key => $certs::apache::apache_key, ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert, require => Class['certs::apache'], } } if $pulp { include ::apache $apache_version = $::apache::apache_version file {'/etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp_nodes.conf': ensure => file, content => template('capsule/pulp_nodes.conf.erb'), owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', } apache::vhost { 'capsule': servername => $capsule_fqdn, port => 80, priority => '05', docroot => '/var/www/html', options => ['SymLinksIfOwnerMatch'], custom_fragment => template('capsule/_pulp_includes.erb', 'capsule/httpd_pub.erb'), } class { '::certs::qpid': } ~> class { '::certs::qpid_client': } ~> class { '::qpid': ssl => true, ssl_cert_db => $::certs::nss_db_dir, ssl_cert_password_file => $::certs::qpid::nss_db_password_file, ssl_cert_name => 'broker', } ~> class { '::pulp': enable_rpm => true, enable_puppet => true, enable_docker => true, enable_ostree => $enable_ostree, default_password => $pulp_admin_password, oauth_enabled => true, oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key, oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret, messaging_transport => 'qpid', messaging_auth_enabled => false, messaging_ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert, messaging_client_cert => $certs::params::messaging_client_cert, messaging_url => "ssl://${capsule_fqdn}:5671", broker_url => "qpid://${qpid_router_broker_addr}:${qpid_router_broker_port}", broker_use_ssl => true, manage_broker => false, manage_httpd => true, manage_plugins_httpd => true, manage_squid => true, repo_auth => true, node_oauth_effective_user => $pulp_oauth_effective_user, node_oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key, node_oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret, node_server_ca_cert => $certs::params::pulp_server_ca_cert, https_cert => $certs::apache::apache_cert, https_key => $certs::apache::apache_key, ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert, } pulp::apache::fragment{'gpg_key_proxy': ssl_content => template('capsule/_pulp_gpg_proxy.erb'), } } if $puppet { class { '::certs::puppet': hostname => $capsule_fqdn, } ~> class { '::puppet': server => true, server_ca => $::foreman_proxy::puppetca, server_foreman_url => $foreman_url, server_foreman_ssl_cert => $::certs::puppet::client_cert, server_foreman_ssl_key => $::certs::puppet::client_key, server_foreman_ssl_ca => $::certs::puppet::ssl_ca_cert, server_storeconfigs_backend => false, server_dynamic_environments => true, server_environments_owner => 'apache', server_config_version => '', server_enc_api => 'v2', server_ca_proxy => $puppet_ca_proxy, additional_settings => { 'disable_warnings' => 'deprecations', }, } } if $certs_tar { certs::tar_extract { $capsule::certs_tar: } -> Class['certs'] Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::foreman_proxy'] if $reverse_proxy_real or $pulp { Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::apache'] } if $pulp { Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs'] -> Class['::certs::qpid'] } if $puppet { Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::puppet'] } } }
The parser is provided by rubygem-kafo_parsers:
# rpm -qf /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo_parsers-0.0.6/lib/kafo_parsers/puppet_module_parser.rb rubygem-kafo_parsers-0.0.6-1.el7.noarch
If there is any additional information to provide I'll happily do so. I wouldn't exclude the possibility that I have caused this problem, but there's no activity I can think of that might be related to this behaviour. I'm not sure this issue fits the category "Katello integration", so I'm leaving that blank for now.