Bug #1631
Added by Steve Buzonas over 12 years ago.
Updated over 11 years ago.
When the the system has dash installed and used as the default shell the postinst fails with an exit status 2. What appears to be the culprit is the dbmigrate script choking on POSIX compliance.
The particular segment causing an issue is 'USERNAME=$(/usr/bin/id -un)', it responds that the '(' is unexpected and it is expecting a '{'
A quick fix could be to change #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash, however this is likely to cause breakage.
Haven't tested my suggested possible solutions because I changed /bin/sh symlink from dash to bash and am now given an exit status of 1 which I am working on.
I marked this as DB migrations opposed to Package installers due to the fact that the dbmigrate script is causing the installer to fail where it would pass otherwise.
- Assignee set to Greg Sutcliffe
- Difficulty set to trivial
- Target version set to 1.0
- Target version deleted (
as this is not a release related, moving it away from here.
When we release 1.0, I hope the new packages will make this go away :)
- Status changed from New to Feedback
I'm hoping you haven't hit any such problems with the 1.0 packages, or even the 1.1 RCs. I'll close this at 1.1 release if there's no further comment :)
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
Closing as discussed in previosu comment.
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