



Feature #18178


Host creation using ovirt template and disk cloning

Added by Fabrizio Nota about 8 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

Compute resources - oVirt
Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
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I'd like to create an host from a ovirt template with disk cloning.
I can create a vm with cloned disk using the rhev/ovirt gui selecting Clone in Resource Allocation but i can't find how to do it in katello, there's no way to choose between thin / clone disk

Am I missing something or it's a feature wich is actually not present?

In this case, do you plan to implement it?

Thanks in advance


ovirt.png View ovirt.png 46 KB Fabrizio Nota, 01/23/2017 07:43 AM
katello.jpg View katello.jpg 103 KB Fabrizio Nota, 01/23/2017 07:43 AM
Selezione_012.png View Selezione_012.png 38 KB Fabrizio Nota, 01/23/2017 07:54 AM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Is duplicate of Foreman - Bug #10273: Create VM from image with preallocated disk (oVirt)ClosedOri Rabin04/27/2015Actions
Actions #1

Updated by Fabrizio Nota about 8 years ago

  • Assignee set to Justin Sherrill
Actions #2

Updated by Anonymous about 8 years ago

  • Project changed from Katello to Foreman
  • Category set to Compute resources - oVirt
  • Assignee deleted (Justin Sherrill)
Actions #3

Updated by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Hosts can be created on oVirt CRs when selecting image provisioning on the OS tab, after setting up a template under the compute resource in the UI.

Updated by Fabrizio Nota about 8 years ago

Dominic Cleal wrote:

Hosts can be created on oVirt CRs when selecting image provisioning on the OS tab, after setting up a template under the compute resource in the UI.

First of all, seems like it's not working

I've also tried to uncheck Preallocate disk but nothing changed

Btw, how can i do it with the cli only?


Actions #5

Updated by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago

  • Is duplicate of Bug #10273: Create VM from image with preallocated disk (oVirt) added
Actions #6

Updated by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Duplicate

I've also tried to uncheck Preallocate disk but nothing changed

This is bug #10273, where thin provisioned disks are created when cloning despite preallocate being checked. I'll close this to track it there.

If you're unsure how to use the CLI from its documentation, please use the support methods at, i.e. foreman-users or #theforeman.


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