Bug #20011
closedUI / Host Collection / Copy page missing validation
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1461016
Description of problem:
When creating host collection copy with invalid name (e.g. 300 chars long), pressing on `Create` button does nothing, there are no visible validation messages. Only console shows that POST request (POST https://sat6.com/katello/api/v2/host_collections/16/copy) returned `422 Unprocessable Entity`.
Sat 6.3.0 Snap 2.0:
- satellite-6.3.0-15.0.beta.el7sat.noarch
- foreman-1.15.0-1.el7sat.noarch
- katello-3.4.0-3.el7sat.noarch
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Navigate to Hosts / Host Collection
2. Select any exising host collection or create one
3. Select Action / Copy Host Collection
4. Insert invalid new name
5. Press create
6. Check for validation messages and/or browser console for logs
Actual results:
Clicking on create button does nothing
Expected results:
Visible validation message
Additional info: