Bug #21552
openHost parameters added/updated via API do not make it to userscript on provisioning to EC2
Host parameters set in API call do not make it to the userscript when provisioning via API to AWS EC2
Description of problem:
When creating host via API V2 through POST/api/hosts and using EC2 the parameters added/updated in API call either are empty or not updated (if pre-defined in hostgroup)
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Foreman Version 1.15.6 and at least 1.15.4
How reproducible:
Easily Reproducible
Steps to Reproduce:
API call:
curl -XPOST "$FOREMAN_URL/api/v2/hosts" -u $USER:$PASS -H "Accept:application/json,version=2" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -k -d'
{ "host" :
{"build": "1",
"enabled": "1",
"architecture_id": 1,
"name": "hostname",
"compute_resource_id": 1,
"compute_profile_id": 1,
"image_id": 1,
"domain_id": 1,
"environment_id": 1,
"medium_id": 1,
"operatingsystem_id": 1,
"owner_id": 1,
"provision_method": "image",
"host_parameters_attributes": [{"name":"foo", "value":"bar"}]
Actual results:
Host yaml snippet from Foreman after creation :
foo: bar
Snip from User Data script preview for host from Foreman:
cat > /etc/test << EOF
FOO=<%= host_param('foo') %>
Snip from User data preview of the created host
cat > /etc/test << EOF
Actual results:
[root@hostname]# cat /etc/test
Actual results IF parameter "foo" pre-defined in hostgroup as "initial":
[root@hostname]# cat /etc/test
Expected results
[root@hostname]# cat /etc/test
Additional info:
Tested only on EC2 instance creation as we do not use other compute service providers. Might affect others also.
Updated by Lembitu Ling almost 7 years ago
- Copied to Bug #23298: Unregistering content host deletes virtual machine added
Updated by Lembitu Ling almost 7 years ago
- Copied to deleted (Bug #23298: Unregistering content host deletes virtual machine)
Updated by Anthony Chevalet almost 7 years ago
- Related to Bug #20062: Host parameter not rendered in user_data template added
Updated by Steve D almost 7 years ago
Also seeing this in 1.16.1 in the web UI.
Provision ec2 host with hostgroup, host parameter override kt_activation_keys, the override is rendered in foreman userdata but the ec2 host userdata shows the hostgroup activation key value, not the overridden value.