Bug #2709
closedForeman stores compute_resource passwords in plaintext
Foreman stores the user credentials for compute_resources (vmware in our case) in plain-text. We will have an API user that has full access into the specific datacenters we'll use. Assuming we've done our homework, no one should have access to this, but it exposes a very sensitive piece of info in plain-text that should not be that way.
Expected behavior would be a hashed password being stored.
(The database is dumped for backup, and perhaps people who have access to the backups shouldn't have access to a plain-text version of this password.)
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
Thanks for the report. It's a duplicate of #2424, closing.
Updated by Joseph Magen over 11 years ago
Kal, do you have any suggestions how to store a unique encryption key for each Foreman installation?
Follow the discussion on https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/568