Feature #27872
closed[RFE] Use the word 'Delete' instead of 'Remove' when deleting a content host in WebUI
Description of problem:
When doing 'Hosts --> Content Hosts --> choose some $host --> Select Action --> Remove Hosts --> Remove' whole system gets deleted not just the system entry in Satellite.
Therefore a customer behind this request would like to rephrase 'Remove' to 'Delete' as technically there's a difference between these two:
Delete and remove are defined quite similarly, but the main difference between them is that delete means erase (i.e. rendered nonexistent or nonrecoverable), while remove connotes take away and set aside (but kept in existence).
Another thing that could make people think that it's just system profile that's being deleted is that there's no warning indicating otherwise:
When removing a system from Hosts --> All Hosts:
"Are you sure you want to delete host system.example.com? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible."
However when removing a system from Hosts --> Content Hosts it's just:
"Are you sure you want to remove the host(s) selected?"
I'll be opening a separate RFE for this.