Bug #28138
closedContent View publish does not return a meaningful result in the task output
Bugzilla link:
Pull request:
When you call /katello/api/content_views/:id/publish
, you get a ForemanTask, that you can poll until it's done and then analyze the result (e.g. because you now want to promote the freshly generated version to a LCE).
In 3.12.3, the result looks like this:
{'action': 'Publish content view Test Content View; organization Test Organization', 'cli_example': None, 'ended_at': '2019-10-25 13:16:47 UTC', 'humanized': {'action': 'Publish', 'errors': [], 'input': [['conte nt_view', {'link': '/content_views/3/versions', 'text': 'content view Test Content View'}], ['organization', {'link': '/organizations/3/edit', 'text': 'organization Test Organization'}]], 'output': ''}, 'id': 'a0b0cd56-3274-4026-bd8e-db6885593566', 'input': {'content_view': {'id': 3, 'label': 'Test_Content_View', 'name': 'Test Content View'}, 'content_view_id': 3, 'content_view_version_id': 3, 'current_location_id': None, 'current_organization_id': None, 'current_request_id': None, 'current_timezone': 'UTC', 'current_user_i d': 4, 'environment_id': 2, 'history_id': 1, 'organization': {'id': 3, 'label': 'Test_Organization', 'name': 'Test Organization'}, 'services_checked': ['candlepin', 'candlepin_auth', 'pulp', 'pulp_auth'], 'user_id': 4}, 'label': 'Actions::Katello::ContentView::Publish', 'output': {'composite_auto_publish_task_id': [], 'composite_version_auto_published': [], 'composite_view_publish_failed': [], 'content_view_id': 3, 'content_view_version_id': 3}, 'pending': False, 'progress': 1.0, 'result': 'success', 'started_at': '2019-10-25 13:16:39 UTC', 'state': 'stopped', 'username': 'admin'}
However, on 3.13.1 it looks like this:
{'action': 'Publish content view Test Content View; organization Test Organization', 'cli_example': None, 'ended_at': '2019-10-25 12:33:05 UTC', 'humanized': {'action': 'Publish', 'errors': [], 'input': [['content_vi ew', {'link': '/content_views/3/versions', 'text': 'content view Test Content View'}], ['organization', {'link': '/organizations/3/edit', 'text': 'organization Test Organization'}]], 'output': ''}, 'id': '47e4cfd6-ed86-4957-af6a-ea74b4205b62', 'input': {'auto_publish_composite_ids': [], 'content_view': {'id': 3, 'label': 'Test_Content_View', 'name': 'Test Content View'}, 'content_view_id': 3, 'content_view_version_id': 5, 'content_view_version_name': 'Test Content View 1.0', 'current_location_id': None, 'current_organization_id': None, 'current_request_id': None, 'current_timezone': 'UTC', 'current_user_id': 4, 'environment_id': 2, 'history_id': 7, 'organization': {'id': 3, 'label': 'Test_Organization', 'name': 'Test Organization'}, 'services_checked': ['candlepin', 'candlepin_auth', 'pulp', 'pulp_auth'], 'user_id': 4}, 'label': 'Actions::Katello::ContentView::Publish', 'output': {}, 'pending': False, 'progress': 1.0, 'result': 'success', 'started_at': '2019-10-25 12:32:57 UTC', 'state': 'stopped', 'username': 'admin'}
See how the output
section is empty?
Technically, I could look at the input
as it also contains the content_view_version_id
I care about, but it kinda feels weird to look at the task input rather output.
Updated by James Jeffers over 5 years ago
- Target version set to Katello 3.13.2
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
Updated by The Foreman Bot over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Assignee set to Jonathon Turel
- Pull request added
Updated by The Foreman Bot over 5 years ago
- Fixed in Releases Katello 3.15.0 added
Updated by Jonathon Turel over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset katello|96a476d912ffb4716d526b4e6ef2735766fcf3e4.