Bug #28334
closedChange a documentation button entry for the /domains/help page to 4.4.7Networking
As can be seen from the grep command below, the "Provisioning" documentation button is used on two pages, on /hosts/help and /domains/help. It is fine for both cases, however, it is definitely better to create unique links for each page.
$ grep -R --include *.*rb "Provisioning\")%" foreman/
foreman/app/views/domains/welcome.html.erb: <p><%= link_to _('Learn more about this in the documentation.'), documentation_url("4.4Provisioning")%></p>
foreman/app/views/hosts/welcome.html.erb: <p><%= link_to _('Learn more about this in the documentation.'), documentation_url("4.4Provisioning")%></p>
Lzap has suggested a perfect idea to change the documentation_url for /domains/help to 4.4.7Networking. This ensures that documentation buttons for pages on Configuring networking all lead to one place.