Bug #30382
closedlocation/organization name is translated when using different locale and an existing string as name
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1662478
Description of problem:
When I create location with "openstack" string in the name, it gets expanded into "RHEL OpenStack Platform" in the location switcher.
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Administer -> Locations -> New Location
Name: "Location for capsule capsule.openstack.example.com"
-> Submit -> Submit
2. Check location switcher in upper part of the page
Actual results:
There is "Location for capsule capsule.RHEL OpenStack Platform.example.com"
Expected results:
There is "Location for capsule capsule.openstack.example.com"
Additional info:
Are there any more strings that get expanded like this? I have tried "rhel", "ansible", "rhev" and "rhv" but have not hit similar issue. This is regression compared to 6.4.