Bug #33238
closed[SAT-1790] Extend TableWrapper and MainTable to allow using PF TableComposable
Let's start all our tables off on the right foot.
- no more formatters
- no more mixed JSX and logic
- no more guessing what your markup is going to look like, or looking in 4 different files
- no more 'rows' and 'cells' props
- keep data, logic, and markup neatly separate and organized
- that much easier to get started and probably cause less bugs
This work will consist of
- add a 'composable' prop to <TableWrapper>
- if composable prop is passed, MainTable returns <TableComposable> instead of <Table> and doesn't accept rows or cells props-- so you can do either <TableWrapper rows={...} cells={...} /> or <TableWrapper composable > ... </TableWrapper>
- all of the TableComposable benefits listed above
- we can reuse the pagination and search parts of TableWrapper