Bug #33348
closedNoticed "event_queue_error: type=delete_host_agent_queue, object_id=XX" error logging during concurrent host build/rebuild/re-registration/deletion in Satellite 6.10
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1997225
Description of problem:
While doing certain host build/rebuild/re-registration/deletion-related tasks, I have noticed the following errors in production.log at certain times.
2021-08-24T21:15:40 [E|kat|25e729cf] event_queue_error: type=delete_host_agent_queue, object_id=21
2021-08-24T21:15:40 [E|kat|25e729cf] Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 5671
2021-08-24T21:15:40 [E|kat|25e729cf] /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/qpid_proton-0.33.0/lib/core/container.rb:130:in `initialize\'
25e729cf | /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/qpid_proton-0.33.0/lib/core/container.rb:130:in `new\'
25e729cf | /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/qpid_proton-0.33.0/lib/core/container.rb:130:in `connect\'
25e729cf | /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/katello- `on_container_start\'
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Satellite 6.10 [ snap 13 ]
How reproducible:
Not always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install a satellite 6 and set it up for system deployment.
2. Deploy some RHEL 7 hosts concurrently from Satellite server and wait for their build to get completed.
3. Perform some re-registrations, host deletion etc
4. Execute --> grep \'Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost"\' /var/log/foreman/production.log -B3 -A3
Actual results:
- grep \'Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost"\' /var/log/foreman/production.log
B3 -A3
2021-08-24T18:45:23 [I|app|312ab092] ForemanWebhooks::EventSubscriber: host_updated.event.foreman event received
2021-08-24T18:45:23 [I|app|312ab092] Completed 201 Created in 1144ms (ActiveRecord: 298.3ms | Allocations: 225772)
2021-08-24T18:50:19 [E|kat|25e729cf] event_queue_error: type=delete_host_agent_queue, object_id=20
2021-08-24T18:50:19 [E|kat|25e729cf] Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 5671
2021-08-24T18:50:19 [E|kat|25e729cf] /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/qpid_proton-0.33.0/lib/core/container.rb:130:in `initialize\'
25e729cf | /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/qpid_proton-0.33.0/lib/core/container.rb:130:in `new\'
25e729cf | /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/qpid_proton-0.33.0/lib/core/container.rb:130:in `connect\'
2021-08-24T20:02:54 [I|app|f39c138b] Processing by NotificationRecipientsController#index as JSON
2021-08-24T20:02:54 [I|app|f39c138b] Completed 200 OK in 46ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 2.9ms | Allocations: 17943)
2021-08-24T20:05:13 [E|kat|25e729cf] event_queue_error: type=delete_host_agent_queue, object_id=20
2021-08-24T20:05:13 [E|kat|25e729cf] Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 5671
2021-08-24T20:05:13 [E|kat|25e729cf] /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/qpid_proton-0.33.0/lib/core/container.rb:130:in `initialize\'
25e729cf | /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/qpid_proton-0.33.0/lib/core/container.rb:130:in `new\'
25e729cf | /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/qpid_proton-0.33.0/lib/core/container.rb:130:in `connect\'
Expected results:
These should not occur at all.
Additional info:
I don\'t have any qpidd service running and based on the Engineering team, this scenario is occurring when satellite attempts to delete qpid queue when katello agent is disabled
Updated by Samir Jha over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Noticed "event_queue_error: type=delete_host_agent_queue, object_id=XX" error logging during concurrent host build/rebuild/re-registration/deletion in Satellite 6.10 to Noticed "event_queue_error: type=delete_host_agent_queue, object_id=XX" error logging during concurrent host build/rebuild/re-registration/deletion in Satellite 6.10
- Target version set to Katello 4.1.4
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
Updated by The Foreman Bot over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Assignee set to Lucy Fu
- Pull request https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/9580 added
Updated by The Foreman Bot over 3 years ago
- Fixed in Releases Katello 4.3.0 added
Updated by Lucy Fu over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
Applied in changeset katello|90dba5cb87207d082e4d80649208e33bf677bba0.