Feature #3508
closedAs a security engineer, I would like to retrieve ldap groups and use that to select roles in foreman
Users, Roles and Permissions
Target version:
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 11 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #812: cant assign roles to groups, just to users added
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need more information
Duplicates #812 and
Updated by Bryan Kearney over 11 years ago
At the end of this story, and the end of Jan's work, I would expect the following scenarios to work
1) Authz and Authn are done by the foreman login screen. Passwwords are validated by an LDAP bind, and the roles are selected based on the groups returned from LDAP.
2) Authz and Authn are done by the apache plugin. Group names from the plugin are used to select the correct roles.
In order to support both use cases, it is acceptable for the Foreman user to have to map the intenral roles to group names.
Updated by Marek Hulán almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Need more information to Closed
Applied in changeset acfbc45886c4d81a2a3ca5af433a6124a0a7191a.