Bug #3513
openForeman assigns wrong VPC when multiple VPCs have same subnets
If you have multiple VPCs with the same subnets, for example a dev, test and live VPC. Foreman does not allow you to select the VPC you need. Instead it assigns you to a VPC based on some internal logic.
This means that Foreman provisioning on ec2 is broken where subnets are reused within differnet VPCs.
Updated by Jim Bailey about 11 years ago
Just attempted some more provisioning inside VPCs sharing the same subnet layout it appears to be random as to which VPC foreman assigns the instance to. The functionality to select VPCs is available in Fog, as is the ability to select an specific IP from that subnet. However this functionality is not exposed by the Foreman UI or API.
Updated by Jim Bailey almost 11 years ago
Using a restricted IAMs as suggest on list doesn't help it still randomly assigns the VPC which if it assigns to the wrong VPC results in an IAMs permission denied rather than an inaccessible instance in the wrong VPC.
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago
- Related to Bug #6787: Turn off the validation on ip addresses added
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 10 years ago
- Category changed from Compute resources to Compute resources - EC2