Bug #36023
closedVMWare Guest OS list is outdated
We've started deploying Windows Server 2022 VMs on our VMWare cluster now, an OS that is not included in the Foreman Guest OS list - even in the latest commits of the develop branch.
When such a host is cloned, things break in all manner of horrible and hilarious ways - it ends up defaulting to MS-DOS and munging device configuration based on that.
An updated list turns out to be difficult to come by without a working VMWare setup, but we were able to use the steps in https://communities.vmware.com/t5/VMware-PowerCLI-Discussions/How-to-get-all-VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier-over-PowerCLI/m-p/1397700/highlight/true#M45704 to generate a list that's up-to-date with vSphere 7.0U3
The resulting (CSV-encoded) list has been attached for now, hopefully I'll have time to write up a proper patch as well once time allows.