Bug #36436
closedCapsule redundantly syncs *-Export-Library repos
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2186765
Description of problem:
When exporting complete library content (hammer content-export complete library), an auxiliary CV "Export-Library" is created, backed by auxiliary katello repositories (with pulp_id like 1-Export-Library-Library-25807266-9eb3-4361-ab75-c9a928083c6f and relative_path like RedHat/Library/Export-Library/custom/ZOO_Product/ZOO-repo).
(Only?) When Library LE is assigned to a Capsule, these auxiliary repos are synchronized there, redundantly. Moreover, in some scenario I am unable to reproduce ATM, presence of these repos on Capsule can block package download from Sat to Caps, since:
- the pulpcore Repo objects on the Capsule are created along with Remotee objects with some weird certs (this bit I cant reproduce but saw it at a customer)
- assuming the Capsule has On Demand download policy set and a client wants to fetch a package from Capsule that is not present, the Capsule choses among all repos that has the RPM associated
- from that list of repos, it can chose the 1-Export-Library repo, with wrong certs
- so then Capsule requests Satellite to fetch packages with invalid certs, which fails on "[SSLCertVerificationError: (1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self signed certificate in certificate chain (_ssl.c:1131)')]" error
- when this happens, it is SUPER confusing and difficult to understand the core issue (ridiculous & offending repo on Capsule)
Please prevent synchronizing the auxiliary repos to Capsules.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Sat 6.11 or newer
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have some (smaller) repos with Immediate download policy synced to Satellite
2. Run "hammer content-export complete library" to pretend ISS
3. Have Capsule associated with Library LE
4. Sync that Capsule
5. Check the Capsule has also the 1-Export-Library repos synced and available to consumers:
(in pulpcore psql - in my example, I had 2 repos with Immediate download policy, both appears in the ISS export and also on Caps):
pulpcore=# SELECT pulp_id,name FROM core_repository WHERE name LIKE '%Export-Library%';
pulp_id | name
8575a7ab-4103-43b8-91f2-aac7b8f8fed9 | 1-Export-Library-Library-beaed1e1-c3be-4ad6-a888-560278447cf2
7268423f-cab9-4cb6-885b-72273a92644f | 1-Export-Library-Library-25807266-9eb3-4361-ab75-c9a928083c6f
(2 rows)
pulpcore=# SELECT pulp_id,name,base_path FROM core_distribution WHERE base_path LIKE '%Export-Library%';
pulp_id | name | base_path
55a4620a-cb81-4124-ad24-b82d79b19d90 | 1-Export-Library-Library-25807266-9eb3-4361-ab75-c9a928083c6f | RedHat/Library/Export-Library/custom/ZOO_Product/ZOO-repo
4213903f-1142-4eed-b189-10ef150864e6 | 1-Export-Library-Library-beaed1e1-c3be-4ad6-a888-560278447cf2 | RedHat/Library/Export-Library/content/dist/layered/rhel8/x86_64/sat-client/6/os
(2 rows)
6. Check the same on Satellite - there wont be any pulp repo (while distribution will be there, just for the sake of data export)
Actual results:
5. shows repos synced to the Capsule, while they are not present on Satellite.
MOREOVER (this deserves a new bug?): registering a client directly via sub-man, I can chose Library/Export-Library Environment - is that expected? Like:
- subscription-manager register --username=admin --password=nereknu
Registering to: pmoravec-caps612.satotest.redhat.com:443/rhsm
Hint: User "admin" is member of following organizations: RedHat, test_org
Organization: RedHat
Hint: Organization "RedHat" contains following environments: Library, Library/cv_rhel8, DEV/cv_rhel8, Library/Export-Library ## <<<--- is this OK?
Environment: Library/Export-Library
The system has been registered with ID: f09c7f1f-1236-403c-9909-316666ca9893
Expected results:
5. Caps should not get the Export-Library repos synced
(can a client get offered the Library/Export-Library Environment..? I really dont know..)
Additional info:
ibalou++ and partha++ for hints:
I think we need to change this to:
2) Caps sync repos to ignore shall be modified accordingly at https://github.com/Katello/katello/blob/master/app/models/katello/content_view.rb#L98 ?