Bug #4294
closedhammer organization should display information about associated domains and subnets
Our CLI automation needs a way to checked whether a domain or subnet was added/removed, but hammer organization info does not display any information about these two fields:
[root@qetello03 ~]# hammer domain list ----------- ID | NAME ----------- 1 | 20yhug 2 | ncvnr0 ----------- [root@qetello03 ~]# hammer organization info --id 1 Id: 1 Name: ACME_Corporation Created at: 2014/02/04 20:27:34 Updated at: 2014/02/04 20:27:34 Label: ACME_Corporation Description: ACME_Corporation Organization [root@qetello03 ~]# hammer organization add_domain --domain 20yhug --id 1 [root@qetello03 ~]# hammer organization info --id 1 Id: 1 Name: ACME_Corporation Created at: 2014/02/04 20:27:34 Updated at: 2014/02/07 14:06:13 Label: ACME_Corporation Description: ACME_Corporation Organization [root@qetello03 ~]# hammer domain info --id 1 Id: 1 Name: 20yhug Description: DNS Id: Created at: 2014/02/05 15:57:19 Updated at: 2014/02/05 15:57:19 Parameters:
Since QE needs a way to figure out whether a domain/subnet belongs to an organization, I'd love to see that information being displayed using hammer organization info, as well as for hammer domain info and hammer subnet info.
Updated by Og Maciel about 11 years ago
The same issues applies to hammer organization add_user and hammer organization remove_user
Updated by Og Maciel about 11 years ago
The same issues applies to hammer organization add_hostgroup and hammer organization remove_hostgroup
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
- Related to Feature #2843: Listing associated resources for locations and orgs added
Updated by Tomáš Strachota over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Fixed in
hammer_cli (0.1.3) * hammer_cli_foreman (0.1.3)
Hammer organization info lists assigned users, smart proxies, subnets, compute resources, installation media, templates, domains, environments, hostgroups, parameters and locations.