Bug #4378
closedhammer --interactive still prompts
hammer --interactive=false activation-key list
This still prompts to list the next page of results.
Updated by Lukas Zapletal about 11 years ago
Also I don't like the form of this option, too long to type in. Please provide an single-dash alias that simply goes into noninteractive mode.
Updated by Tomáš Strachota about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Assignee set to Tomáš Strachota
- Target version set to 1.9.1
Updated by Tomáš Strachota about 11 years ago
Btw Lzap, you can disable interactivity permanently in the config file if you want
Updated by Anonymous about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset foreman:hammer-cli|commit:7787a5b8249e4c53bb5bdd3f981c8488b84b3ffe.
Updated by Thomas McKay about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to New
I would like to re-open this issue:
- With '--interactive=no' only the first page of results are listed, not all of them.
- Also a short option (eg. -i) would be useful while you're in the code :)
Updated by Thomas McKay about 11 years ago
- Copied to Bug #4448: hammer --interactive still prompts added