Bug #8047
closedVM creation with distributed switch fails: "A component of the virtual machine is not accessible on the host."
Click on Hosts >> New Host >> Fill the details (Select Host Group: *|Deploy on: VMWare|Puppet Environment: *|Select Capsule Settings)
- Now on Network (Tab) >> Choose Domain & Subnet.
- Operating System (Tab) >> Architecture >> Operating System >> Provisioning Method (Image Based) >> Choose the Image.
- Virtual Machine (Tab) >> Adjust the memory if required, choose Cluster >> Folder >> Guest OS (64 Bit) >> Network
Interfaces NIC Type (VMXNET3) >> Network (//Lan-dvPortGroup//) >> Storage SCSI Controller (LSI Logic Parallel) >> Data Store (**) >> Name '' >> Size '' >> Thin Provision.
So after entering all the details and clicking on submit we are getting error in vsphere client as well as in satellite web ui.
Actual results:
Provisioning is getting failed with the below error message.
Error on Satellite:
Failed to create a compute "redacted" (VMWare) instance "redacted": CannotAccessVmComponent: A component of the virtual machine is not accessible on the host.
Error on VSphere Client:
A component of the virtual machine is not accessible on the host.
Expected results:
New Server has to be provisioned on VMWare.
Additional info:
We couldn't able to reproduce the reported issue in our test lab as we do not have a similar environment with "Distributed Switch" to check provisioning with distributed virtual port groups (Lan-dvPortGroup).
As per my observation during the remote session, it looks like a bug. Customer says when the vm is provisioned for first time, the vm is assigned to a different network adapter (not the one selected from the web-ui during provisioning). But when it is provisioned for the second time the above error pops-up.
But the above said behaviour has not happened during the remote session. Customer gets the above error in the 1st attempt itself.