Support #8394
Foreman doesn't load in dev
Added by Henrik Feldt over 10 years ago.
Updated almost 8 years ago.
Trying to get foreman to load in dev environment...
Each request takes a little less than a second to get, but after 49 seconds, it seems the POST times out and I'm greeted with 'Invalid Username of Password'.
I've followed the guide for setting up the dev env, running it on ruby 1.9.3 p550 on centos 6.5 x64 with postgresql after running the setup sets of the rakefile as detailed here
I'm after being able to assign public IPs (not elastic ones) in EC2/VPC env on AWS. But I failed at the development step here.
can you please provide log output? (logs/development.log)
- Tracker changed from Bug to Support
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Try running rake db:seed
to populate the initial admin user. It will print out a username and password.
This is its output:
[vagrant@foreman vagrant]$ rake db:seed
The Apipie cache is turned off. Enable it and run apipie:cache rake task to speed up API calls.
Workaround for RbVmomi may not work as ComputeResource is already loaded: ComputeResource
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/03-auth_sources.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/03-permissions.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/03-roles.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/04-admin.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/05-taxonomies.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/06-architectures.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/07-config_templates.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/08-partition_tables.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/10-installation_media.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/11-smart_proxy_features.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/13-compute_profiles.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/15-bookmarks.rb
Seeding /vagrant/db/seeds.d/16-mail_notifications.rb
All seed files executed
It's probably already been run then. Run rake permissions:reset
to reset the password, then try logging in with that.
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
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