Bug #9835
closedHost with 2 nics splits into 2 hosts
Sorry about the subject. Can't really describe what happens.
I uploaded a foreman-debug archive: foreman-debug-nn6cG.tar.xz
It contains a serie of screenshots of what I have done:
- add host
- add 2 nics
-- eth0 on puzzle-it.nu, primary,managed
-- eth1 on puzzle-it.local provision,managed
Before build its one host, after build is complete and one report is uploaded its split into 2 hosts.
Other problem is that the puppetclasses assigned to it are not applied.
Updated by Joop van de Wege almost 10 years ago
Tried a couple of things and it looks like the problem is in the fact that eth0 isn't configured properly. In Foreman I enter 2 nics:
- eth0 static ip, subnet set to have IPAM:none and linked to the dns domain puzzle-it.nu, primary/managed
- eth1 dhcp ip, subnet set to have IPAM:dhcp and linked to the dns domain puzzle-it.local, provision/managed
Building goes fine except:
- eth0 is configured as dhcp, onboot=no, networkmanager=yes
- probably because of the above no puppetclasses are applied.
- I end up with two hosts in Foreman instead of one.
Is there a way to debug problem 1 (eth0) ??
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 10 years ago
Just to explain what we've covered on IRC in response to this:
1. The logs show that facts are uploaded from Puppet with "name"=>"foreman02.puzzle-it.local"
which is the FQDN identified by Facter, but this is actually the name of eth1. hostname -f
wasn't resolving on the host and hostname
is returning .local rather than .nu. This wrong name is causing the duplicate host.
2. The lack of static configuration for eth0 might be out of date templates due to it being upgraded and our templates aren't also updated - Joop's going to update these from community-templates.
Updated by Marek Hulán almost 10 years ago
If that does not help, could you please paste evaluated version of provisioning template for this host? You can find it in host detail -> Templates (tab) -> Review (for provision Template)
Updated by Anonymous almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
what's the status here with current versions?