



From 01/13/2018 to 02/11/2018


07:03 PM Bug #21973 (Closed): Maintenance mode off procedure fails when custom rule is not present
Applied in changeset commit:foreman_maintain|147899b258afc56649eba4fc6cc5d88ef0bf4b0c. Kavita Gaikwad
07:03 PM Feature #21927 (Closed): Check candlepin database validity as part of pre-upgrade steps using cpdb
Applied in changeset commit:foreman_maintain|c7991ea602dec13760cd8e7f99f4f30bce5b1a6b. Kavita Gaikwad
07:03 PM Bug #22341 (Closed): Check for presence of Satellite 6.3 GA repositories and when available, use them instead of the beta one's
Applied in changeset commit:foreman_maintain|cdd5045d6d9add47d2fdb107cf5c66eda996617f. Anonymous


04:16 PM Tracker #22462 (Rejected): Move all katello scripts to foreman-maintain
John Mitsch
04:13 PM Refactor #22458 (Closed): Move katello-service to foreman-maintain
John Mitsch
04:11 PM Refactor #22456 (Closed): Move katello-backup to foreman-maintain
John Mitsch


09:01 AM Bug #22436 (Closed): Fix some nitpicks
Applied in changeset commit:foreman_maintain|b1315a7688419f8e0bc9d7b5d27a60b4e3d7f33c. Anonymous


06:49 AM Bug #22436 (Closed): Fix some nitpicks
... Nikhil Kathole


02:02 PM Feature #21743 (Closed): Update foreman-debug to collect logs
Applied in changeset foreman:commit:cfc1ba91d013124796661a41dd01388767beb14d. Ivan Necas


08:17 PM Bug #22341 (Closed): Check for presence of Satellite 6.3 GA repositories and when available, use them instead of the beta one's
Once the new version of satellite is available, we should use the GA repositories instead of the beta ones. Ivan Necas


12:01 PM Bug #21984 (Closed): "foreman-maitinan upgrade run" Setup repositories for z stream upgrades
Applied in changeset commit:foreman_maintain|1b604e54a3c708c8d51c1c99fbec431d203c2526. Swapnil Abnave


12:31 PM Bug #21739: Cron jobs are not disabled for the upgrade
Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> IMHO there must be a utility that allows you to enter, exit and test maintainance mode:
Amit Upadhye
05:56 AM Bug #22265 (Closed): Fix sync-plans data in data.yml
Data related to sync-plans stored in data.yml will not remain consistent according to real records. Kavita Gaikwad

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