Bug #20967
openwidgets related to configuration management should have more obvious titles
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1475469
Description of problem:
A couple of users have looked at the widgets in the dashboard and assumed that "host configuration status" checkins were referring to katello-agent. This caused confusion, since they thought katello-agent was not operational on their hosts.
Ideally, the "Host configuration status", "Host configuration chart" and "run distribution in the last 30 minutes" widgets would have titles such as "host puppet checkin status" or "host configuration management status". Additionally, the "hosts with no reports" subsection may be clearer as "hosts with no config management reports" or something similar, to make it clear that it's not referring to katello-agent.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 6.2.10