



Tracker #24437


Modularity - P2 Stories

Added by Partha Aji over 6 years ago. Updated 4 months ago.

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Tracker for Modularity - P2

Related issues 36 (30 open6 closed)

Blocked by Katello - Bug #24439: UI - As a user I would like to remove modules from a repository that has modules.NewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24441: UI/API - As a user I would like to upload modules to a repositoryNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24442: Hammer - As a user I would like to upload modules to a repositoryNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24444: UI/API - I would like to set the default profile for a module stream via module detailsNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24445: UI/API - I would like to set the default stream for a module via module detailsNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24446: As a user I would like to see a list of modules available to be enabled across hostsNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24447: UI - As a user I would like to see a list of modules available to be installed across hostsNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24448: UI/API - As a user I would like to create content view filter based on Modules.RejectedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24449: Hammer - As a user I would like to create content view filter based on Modules.NewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24450: UI/API - As a user I would like install a module profile on a host via REX/DNF pluginNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24451: UI/API - As a user I would like to see the Installed modules and profiles on the content hostNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24452: UI/API As a user I would lile to delete a module on a host vie REX/DNF pluginNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24453: UI/API As a user I would like to change the profile on a module on a hostNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24454: UI/API - As a user I would like lock/Unlock a module on a hostNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24455: UI/API - As a user I would like to see modules that have an update availableNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24456: UI/API - As a user I would like to update a module via REX/DNF pluginNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24457: UI/API - As a user I would like install a module with a profile on a Host Collection via REX/DNF pluginNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24458: UI/API - As a user I would like delete modules for a host collection via REX/DNF pluginNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24459: UI/API - As a user I would like lock/unlock modules for a host collection via REX/DNF pluginNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24460: UI/API - As a user I would like to update a module on a host collection via REX/DNF pluginNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24461: UI/API - As a user I would like to see modules provided by an activation keysNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24462: UI/API - As a user I would like to enable modules belonging to a content view environment associated to the activation keyNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24463: Hammer - As a user I would like to see modules belonging to the content view environment associated to an activation keyNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24464: Hammer - As a user I would like to enable modules belonging to a content view environment associated to the activation keyNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24465: REX - As a user I would like templates to install modules on my content host via remote executionNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24466: REX - As a user I would like to lock/unlock modules on my content host via remote executionNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24467: DNF Plugin - As a user I would like to lock/unlock modules on my content host via pluginNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24468: DNF Plugin - As a user I would like to install/update/remove modules on my content host via pluginNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24840: CV publish needs to filter modules based on package filtersNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #26221: As a user I want to index rpms as modular and show them in api responseClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #26222: As a user I would like to search/display rpm as modularDuplicatePartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #26223: As a user I would not allow filtering of modular rpms in rpm filters (UI and API)ClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #26224: As a user I would like the module stream rpm artifacts to be automatically copied over when the module isNewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #26225: As a user I would like module streams belonging to an errata gets copied over when the erratum gets included.NewPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #26226: As a appstream user I would like to see module stream filters, based of VSCAN information.ClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #26227: As a user I would like to be warned that modular rpms are not going to get filtered by my package filtersDuplicatePartha AjiActions

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