Bug #24889
Docker repository sync on FIPS system fails with TypeError: can't quote ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
Added by Peter Ondrejka over 6 years ago.
Updated about 6 years ago.
Testing on CentOS 7.5 with FIPS environment enabled using katello-3.9.0-8.el7.noarch, docker repository synchronization ends with failed subtask and the message:
TypeError: can't quote ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
According to dynflow, this happens Actions::Katello::Repository::IndexContent task, full trace in supplement. No such error appears on non-FIPS system.
To reproduce, create a docker repository (mine had upstream name 'busybox' and url https://registry-1.docker.io), attempt to synchronize the repo.
- Related to Feature #3511: As a security person, I would like Foreman to run in FIPS mode added
- Target version set to Katello 3.10.0
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
Peter Ondrejka wrote:
Testing on CentOS 7.5 with FIPS environment enabled using katello-3.9.0-8.el7.noarch, docker repository synchronization ends with failed subtask and the message:
TypeError: can't quote ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
According to dynflow, this happens Actions::Katello::Repository::IndexContent task, full trace in supplement. No such error appears on non-FIPS system.
To reproduce, create a docker repository (mine had upstream name 'busybox' and url https://registry-1.docker.io), attempt to synchronize the repo.
Reporting that I no longer see this issue on CentOS 7.5 with FIPS, katello-3.9.0-9.el7.noarch. Docker repository is synced as expected.
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Tested again with katello-3.9.0-11.el7.noarch, the issue no longer occurs, closing now
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