



Bug #26792


Search bar assuming dropdown causes issues when typing in partial names

Added by Walden Raines almost 6 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Web UI
Target version:
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1. Proposed title of this feature request
Ans: Improve search interface in Satellite

2. What is the nature and description of the request?
Ans: There are multiple deficiencies in the interface that need to be addressed because they cause unexpected behavior.

3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
Ans: Overall usability of the product is impacted.

4. How would the customer like to achieve this? (List the functional requirements here)
Ans: - It should be possible to increase the number of entries shown on a page beyond 100 without manually editing the URL.
- If there is a reason that Content Hosts and All Hosts have different information, this information needs to be documented, and some location (either, or a third) should have the information from both of the
current interfaces.
- It should be possible to search by Errata number in the Errata interface. Surprisingly, this is not possible in the current version.
- It should be immediately evident whether the interface is still waiting for search results, or if it has returned limited (or no) content.
- When updating the search parameters while a search is in process, the current behavior triggers on the completion of the search - which wipes out the updated search parameters. Worse, this definitely happens
when performing the initial "empty" search. That is, when you go to a page and start definining a search, it will wipe out the search criteria. And if you successfully run a search before the "empty" search
completes, you instead get the initial results and not your customized results. (I preseume the search was still submitted and created load on the system, although you will never be able to see the output.)
- Searching on an IP address should match a subnet that includes that address. Currently it is a string based match, so would not match the subnet definition that properly includes that IP.
- The search bar accepts suggestions from the drop-down list by default - this can easily cause incorrect behavior. This can be reliably recreated when searching errata for a package name.
If you put in "package ~ " and a substring that matches the beginning of a package, hitting Enter will cause the first match to be used. The expected behavior is to require one of the matches to be selected with the
mouse or arrow keys. After that, hitting Enter should run the current search exactly as typed.

5. For each functional requirement listed, specify how Red Hat and the customer can test to confirm the requirement is successfully implemented.
Ans: NA


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