Bug #27643
closedIncorrect Red Hat Registry URL is given in the Registry to Discover list
Description of problem:
The web UI gives the url registry.redhat.io for the Red Hat Registry. This URL does not work when syncing a created repo. The working URL: http://registry.access.redhat.com/
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Navigate to Content > Products
2. Click Repo Discovery
3. For the Repository Type, select Container Image
4. For the Registry to Discover, select Red Hat Registry (registry.redhat.io)
5. Click Discover (success)
6. Select an image and click Create Selected (success)
7. Select a Product and click Run Repository Creating (success)
8. Navigate to the product and try to synchronize the newly created repository (FAIL)
9. Change the Registry URL for the repository to http://registry.access.redhat.com/
10. Synchronize the repository again (SUCCESS)
Actual results:
Incorrect default Registry URL is associated with the Red Hat Registry (registry.redhat.io)
Expected results:
The correct Registry URL is associated with the Red Hat Registry (http://registry.access.redhat.com/)
Additional info:
Docs for this procedure: